Smiling softly, she drew her hands from him. "Better?"

Jasper nodded. "I dunno what to do with you." He said honestly. "I hate witches."

"I gathered." Ryn told him. "I'm... Barely a witch, I promise. That pain spell and making tiny storms in my hands is about the extent of my repertoire."

"Tiny storms?" He questioned.

Ryn shrugged. "Yeah. I just... Make clouds, sometimes. Here," she cupped her hands and lifted them up, blowing lightly into her palms. The air swirled and condensed, making a small cumulus cloud. He watched her hands with interest and fixation, so she continued. "I can make cirrus clouds," cupping it in one hand, she raked three fingers through the cloud, causing it to fracture into multiple small wisps, "or stratus." She flattened the wisps and drew her hand away, revealing a flat, sheet of fluffy gray. "I can make it rain, too."

She tapped the little cloud twice and rain began to puddle into her hand. Slowly, the stratus cloud disintegrated, and she was only left with a tiny collection of water in her hand. She shook it out. "Not all that scary. I promise."

"What, are you going to make a rainbow next?"

She laughed. "No can do. That requires light bending, which I haven't gotten ahold of yet." She studied him. "You look tired. If you don't know what to do, we could probably just sleep."

He eyed her suspiciously.

"Are you afraid I might harm you in your sleep?" She asks, hurt. "That burst of energy I threw at the fae was a lot of the magic strength I have. Just those clouds took a lot more out of me than usual. I'm only eighteen, I don't have any technical, complex magic. I couldn't hurt you."

He analyzed her for a second, then suddenly leaned in and kissed her. He felt like... well, magic. He felt like the warmth in the fingers as she held them to his temple and took away his pain.

It ended all too soon. She stared at him in shock and as he wiped his mouth on his sleeve. "Had to make sure you weren't lying." He muttered.

She blinked at him. "You could've just... Touched my arm or something."

He shook his head, flushed mildly. "Not for deeper secrets."

Something told her that he'd had to do that more than once, and not necessarily just to females.

He jerked his chin to the mattress, "before I change my mind."

Awkwardly, she walked over to it and sat down at the top. While she stripped off her cardigan and took off her slippers, he kicked off his boots and collapsed into the mattress, his bulky frame taking up most of it.

"Don't be incompetent." He muttered, "you suggested this." Jasper tugged hard on her ankle, and she squealed. He readjusted her some more until her back was against his chest.

After several moments, his breath slowed and he was out like a light. Strangely enough, she wasn't all that far behind.


Chrissy awoke draped in a blanket. She blinked away the sunshine, sat up. So, it wasn't all a dream after all. She wasn't in her own bed - She was most certainly not in the couch she had fallen asleep in last night. Chris was in Tristan's bed. How in the hell did she end up here?

She vaguely remembered waking up, but being quickly put back to sleep.

Tristan wasn't anywhere to be seen, either.

Chrissy looked down. She wasn't wearing pants, but she wasn't when she went to bed. Her flannel was buttoned, and on further inspection, her ruined bra was nowhere to be seen either. Ho... Scary. Scary? Maybe.

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