Arc 2.12 - Grayson Hale

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"So, Jacqueline, what high school did you last go to?"

"Uhm, I actually moved here from another city, I'm not sure you would know the same of my last high school."

"Really? Which city?"

"Sander ridge?"

"Why do you say that as a question like your unsure of yourself?" The male lead chuckled as the exited the classroom, walking over to the cafeteria.

"Just because I'm not sure if you've heard of it before... it quite far from this city."

"I actually have been there before for some business. Pretty quiet and peaceful there, it's a nice change of pace from this bustling city."


He hummed in agreement.

"So what other classes do you have?"

The two protagonists continued with their conversation until they sat down at the cafeteria with their food trays. Collin couldn't help but be intrigued by this timid girl. It was as if something was pulling him towards her, like he needed to have a connection to her. It was strange, he couldn't figure out why and the more he conversed with her the more he figured out a reason.

A few weeks had past now. The beginning of a new school year was as hectic as every other year. In the short time that he's known Jacqueline he finds himself wanting to know more of her, simply things like her favourite colour, the reason behind the determination behind her eyes or the snarky personality that sometimes peaks out from somewhere deep within her. Collin has actually been looking forward to his classes more. But it wasn't just him that found the new girl being able to pull him.

Spencer has actually observed her after school. At first he was just bored, laying on the rooftop of the school building as if it's the most normal thing to do. He and his buddies were smoking some stuff too when he just glanced down and saw it. A girl was untying the ponytail holding up her beautiful silky waves of black hair. He watched as the hair cascaded down her slim back and covering that narrow waist. He couldn't help but be entranced, curious about the face that was being faced away from him.

What brought more interest to him is that one day he once again coincidentally found her figure while watching from atop the rooftops. This girl actually picked up a skinless ugly looking little vermin, an honest sad excuse of a bird then and climbed up a tree to put it back into its nest. He found it absurd. Who is actually that kind nowadays?

Spencer has never seen such a pure act of kindness before. There was simply no benefit for her in putting that ugly thing back in its nest, yet she did it with asking for anything in return. That's just not how the way works. Everyone wants something.

So from then on, his eyes always found her figure in the crowd, after school, with no trouble distinguishing her from others. He observed her with curiosity, interest and something else he couldn't quite place. And he hasn't even spoken to the girl before. But it didn't take long. He accidentally bumped into her in the hallways during class, apparently she was just coming back from the bathroom and Spencer couldn't help the urge to talk to her. Find out more about her.

After Spencer actually approached and casually interacted with Jacqueline, they had quickly became friends, in secret. No one knew of the girl familiar with the devil king of their school.

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