Chapter 4

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After a very cautious run of gathering firewood and small branches for kindling, I started to make a small pit with a few medium-sized rocks I found. I placed each one in the middle of the tree house, making a circle so that the fire had a small barrier where it couldn't burn anything or the tree's walls. I took an arrow, and struck the head across a rock that made a spark. The kindling started to glow from the embers, and I blew on them to start a small flame. It grew fast with the food I had for it, and soon the whole tree was lit up with the orange light. I looked up one more time, and saw nothing but web going all the way up the trunk from the recent resident.

I sat criss-cross on the floor near the fire, and Rose was already dozing off behind me, her head hanging low. Navi was hovering softly next to me, taking in the heat. Although, I also saw her struggle to keep herself up in the air. "Navi, you can stop flying now. You're wings must be really tired."

"...What?" She jerked herself to look at me. "Sorry, I was spacing out."

I gave her a look. "I said, you can rest now. We're not going to be going anywhere tonight again."

"Oh, right!" She chuckled nervously. "Yeah, that's a good idea." She calmly found a leaf to sit on next to me on the floor, and I stared at her the whole time.

I had to say something. "Okay, Navi. What's on your mind?"

"Huh?" She twinkled in surprise.

"You're acting really weird," I pointed out. "If there's something you want to ask me, then do it."

She hesitated. "Promise you won't be offended?"

"Of course not. You can tell or ask me anything, I promise."

She flapped her wings slowly and softly in debating. "Okay," she decided. "Well, I've been thinking about how you said that your mom was a nurse and not is. Is she still alive, or is she...?" I frowned, and looked away from her. That made her freak. "Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry! See, I did offend you!"

"No!" I yelled back. Navi flinched. " Sorry." I grinned slightly with my sad eyes. "It's just a painful memory that's all."

"Well then you don't have to say anything! I was just wondering." I stared at her in surprise as she was trying so hard to make a kind impression for me. It worked.

"Navi, it's really okay. You don't have to put yourself down like that." I then gasped in shock, feeling the deja vu slice my heart. I felt really lonely then, and my eyes wouldn't stop the sudden tears from falling.

"Sakura?!" Navi flew up into my face. "What did I say?"

"'s not you!" I covered my face in sadness. "It's me..." I sobbed, having my hands get soaked with salty fluid.

"What do you mean?" She asked softly.

I uncovered my face, sniffing. "I miss him..." I whispered with my eyes still dripping tears. "I really do. He's always been there for me, always cared for me even when no one else could. I love him so much for that, and now..." I clenched my fist in anger, and tightly closed my eyes. The tears were even stronger now. "Now we're separated! Because of me, he's probably worried sick and using all of his power to find me again!"

"And what's wrong with that?" I gasped slightly in surprise and wonder, and looked up at Navi with wide eyes.

"What?" I asked.

"Well, think about it. You and me are doing the exact same thing now, right? You may not be as strong as he is, but you are using all of your power and skills to find that treasure. To tell you the truth, I think that the only explanation that you've gotten even this far is the fact that you love him so much. That means that you're worried too, and want to be back with him as soon as possible."

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