Chapter 2

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"Navi, slow down!" I warned. I had no idea what the heck was out here in this world, because in every direction were trees, trees, and more trees. There really were no towns in sight whatsoever, and I suddenly got very nervous. Monsters could be stalking me right then and there. Navi slowed down, and I was able to slow Rose down too. I stopped her right next to the fairy. "I don't want us to be separated."

"Sorry," she said. "I guess I got too excited."

"Really? Because I'm sure not..." I heard a crack from a stick, and froze. I opened my ears more, and heard small slow footsteps from the grass. I also heard a very low growling along with heavy breathing. They sounded just like wolves. "Run!" I yelled, and kicked Rose hard into a sprint.

I was looking forward at first, but then turned my head to the side to see a pack of wolf monsters flanking Rose's side. "Wolfos!" I screamed, and kept Rose going down the path to the river.

I heard a growl from the other side, and another Wolfos was running up close with its yellow eyes glowing with evil. It leaped forward when it was close enough, and its claws sank into Rose's flesh. She whinnied loudly in pain. I struggled to lift my right foot out of the stirrup, but succeeded, and kicked the monster as hard as I could. It yelped and tumbled off the horse, disappearing behind us.
I turned forward again, but gasped in shock and pulled Rose to the side hard. A Wolfos was ready to pounce in front of us, and I had to turn Rose to the left to prevent it from clamping its teeth onto her head. The monster missed, and rolled over on the ground behind us.

I didn't know how much longer Rose would keep galloping, because she was now starting to pant. I had to do something to lose them, and fast. I looked around, but only found obstacles that would slow Rose down if I were to turn her in any direction.

A loud growl made me look forward again, and I screamed in fright this time. Three Wolfos were now in front of me, and I yanked my filly's hair backwards. Rose skidded to a stop with her ears back and nostrils flaring in fright and anger. She whinnied loudly, showing her teeth and stomping her front hooves. I quickly pulled out my bow as I saw the whole pack surrounding us, and aimed the first arrow at the closest one. It yelped and fell over, burning to ashes.

I did this with another, and they were now seething with rage. "Look out!" Navi screamed, and I smacked the monster just in time on my left with my bow to see it flop onto the ground.

"Come on!" I yelled. "Let's see you guys try to take a piece of me!"

All of the Wolfos growled and pounced all at once. In that one second, I managed to keep every single one off of Rose, and kill off all of them with only about seven arrows. They all burned to ashes, and I let out my breath. "Oh my gosh," I panted, shaking in fear. "That was so scary..."

"That was amazing!" Navi said in awe. "I've never seen anyone strike that many Wolfos in such a small amount of time. Not even Link!" I didn't respond, just kept holding the saddle horn. I couldn't move anything on my body; it was as stiff as a pole. My breathing became small huffs through my nose. Navi flew closer. "Sakura? What's the matter?" It took me awhile to finally move again, and I blinked my eyes. Navi knew then what was up. "Oh...Was that your first fight with monsters?"

I nodded, and took a slow deep breath, calming myself again. I blinked a few times more, gaining control of my body. "I've only been able to use them as targets before now. That's why I'm so freaked out. I actually thought...that I was going to die."

"Yeah, I know the feeling. Link and I fought a lot of monsters together, and every time we did I was a bit scared for what would happen if Link were to be cornered."

"Really? How many times did that happen?"

"Trust me you don't want to know. Especially since you're his girlfriend."

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