Chapter Three: Let's go Shopping at Midnight

Start from the beginning

She rolls her eyes. "Well we better hurry before the harpies get us."

"Yes. Human eating harpies. Perfectly normal." I say sarcastically. Luke cracks a smile and Annabeth shakes her head at me.

"So how far is this store anyway."

Luke shrugs as he ducks under a tree branch. "It's not that long of a walk."

"We're going to be walking for hours aren't we?"

Luke put a hand over his heart as he mocks being hurt. "You doubt me that much?"

"Yes. I really do."

He scowls but it soon turns into him laughing after I hit my foot on a rock.

"Motherfucker! You dick!" I shout, clutching my foot.

Annabeth tried to hide her laugh behind her hands.

"Are you cussing at the rock?"

"Yes I am."

"Didn't know you swear so much." Luke says with a smirk.

"It's like a second language. But before I left I was always told to stop saying such bad words."

"I mean, you are only twelve."

"You're twelve too Annabeth."

She rolls her eyes. "But I don't cuss like a sailor."

"I ain't no sailor."

"That's a double negative."

"Double negative my ass." She sighs exasperatedly.

Luke looks back at us. "You two are like polar opposites."

"You think." Annabeth says.

"Yeah I could name a few: Annabeth's blonde and Perseus has black hair, Annabeth doesn't say swear words and Perseus says a cuss word every five minutes, there's so much more."

Annabeth's mortal and I am immortal. She has blood, I have ichor. There are so many differences between us.

"You have no idea." I mumble as I step over another rock.

Soon enough we get to a small little store and Luke and Annabeth go right to the snacks. I look at the register to see a cashier and behind the man are the rows of cigarette packets.

I stand a few feet away and try to cause the water in the bathroom to overfill and flow out the door. I walk up to the man at the register.

"Your bathroom's overflowing." I told him. He looked over and grumbles something about his 'stupid job'.

I wait until he's out of eyesight and go behind the counter. I steal two packs of cigarettes and walk to Luke and Annabeth who are still looking at snacks. I grab a bag of chips and some candy.

They look over at me. "Where'd you go?"

I shrugged. "Told the guy at the register the bathroom was overflowing."

They raise an eyebrow as I point at the water.

"So you guys done?"

Luke and Annabeth nods as I walk to the door.

"Aren't we gonna pay for this?" She asks.

I look at Luke then back to the blonde girl. "Nah. This is more fun. Besides, we got no money."

"You do not know English very well."

I wipe an invisible tear from my eye. "Damn. And I thought we had something special."

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