Chapter 10

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"Ooooohhhhhh!!!" We entered my house and my mom had just left the house. she'll surely be surprised when she sees us all here. As expected Chris and Lin got to the house before us. so i caught them up on what happened. well, the conflicts I had with Sam... and the fact that in dating Alpha. nothing more, nothing less.
"Serves her right. she's been a plain bitch lately." Lin didn't like Sam's aura lately either.
"Mia is here! No vulgar language."
"Shit. I mean...I'm just not going to drink my soda..." She sipped her Coke and sat quietly. we all were pretty quiet for a moment with nothing but the kitchen fan making noise. when all of a sudden you hear running foot steps and a whisk of air. Mia jumps up and tackles Chris to the floor.
"Tag! You're it!"
"Ow..." Chris's face was smushed against the floor. Lin and I were too busy laughing to scold her.
"That's the fifth time. hahaha you're not good at this game you know." She looks around the kitchen and her eyes stop at Dreke. "who are you?"
"Mia, be nice." wasn't funny when she said that. she looked down after being scolded and hugged Lin.
"Sorry, I'm Mia. what's your name?"
Dreke smiled and crouched down.
"I'm Dreke. it's nice to meet you. no hard feelings right? I know it must be weird having strange boys around your sister huh?"
Mia looked down and thought about it a bit. "that's why I don't let strange boys get near here." she smiled. "I bite,bark, or scratch them away. the bleeding usually freaks them out the most." this is another reason I'm not popular. I looked at Dreke in fear of what his facial expression would look like. but to my surprise he was smiling and he put his hand on her head.
"You're a doing a good job at protecting your sister and that makes you a great sister."
Mia's eyes lit up. "Really?! Haha Yay!" With that she ran out of the kitchen and up the stairs to her room.
"Hmm. She's cute." Dreke gazed up the stairs. I was in complete shock. Chris was sitting on the floor rubbing his back. And Lin look just as surprised as I was. Then she looked at me.
"Yep. T, he's a keeper." she gave me a thumbs up and we both started laughing while the boys looked clueless. An hour passed and we got tired of just chatting and telling stories so we sat in a circle in the kitchen playing truth or dare. Until we heard the front door close and keys rattling. Mom is home. Mia raced down the stairs and we all sat in the dark living room waiting for Mom to come in. She walked in and turned on the light. we all jumped up and yelled...
"Welcome home!!" With an extra...
"Familia!" From Lin. My mom was surely surprised. I could tell she was a bit angry but because there was guest here she wasn't going to say anything. I introduced Chris first. Dreke was going to be last.
"Ah, the boy who decided to use the door instead of the door."
Chris gave a little nervous laugh and put his hand behind his head and scratched his neck. "haha. yeah. well I'm not exactly the smartest of the group. that has to go to our little T here." Chris grabs me by my shoulders and gives me a slight squeeze. We all laugh and when things calm down and get settled I get ready. it's time. I grab Dreke's hand.
My mom looks at me with a smile and then looks at Dreke's hand and mine and her smile starts to denigrate.
"This is Dreke. he use to walk me to school freshman year. I've known him since 8th grade. and he asked me out today."
She looked him in the eye. she was stone cold and was trying to strike fear in him. When you looked at Dreke you wouldn't think she was doing much to affect him. he wasn't avoiding eye contact,he was standing straight, he wasn't fidgety, and he had a straight face one. his eyes weren't giving him away either. but his grip, when she looked him in the eyes he gripped my hand a little tighter. he squeezed my hand and when I realized that I squeezed it back. he needed my support so he wouldn't back down and show fear. I was his support in bravery and I think Mom admired that.
"You look like a good kid. and I let you walk her in the past. I do remember you and I have done mental checks on you when you were with my baby. so it's ok, I approve."
Dreke loosened his grip and I let out a sigh of relief.
"But if you ever touch her below the waist I will hurt you boy." And there he goes...the grip is back. "I mean it! If you hurt my baby, I'll hurt you. I know everything and I will find you. is that understood?!"
"Yes ma'am, crystal clear. thank you leaving your daughter in my hands."
"Taking my baby away from me..." Mom walked to the kitchen and started looking through pots. I looked at Dreke and he looked at me. we both started laughing as he hugged me.
"We did it."
"No, you did it. you just passed maybe one of the hardest tests in your life." Lin and Chris were watching us I could feel them staring. I looked to my left to find Lin with a napkin wiping fake tears an Chris giving us a thumbs up.
That only made me laugh more. they may not be normal but they're the best group if friends a girl can have.
"Who wants pizza? I'm ordering out." my mom came into the living room as soon as Dreke and I sat on the couch. we all agreed to having pizza and watching a scary movie. I laid my head on Dreke's shoulder and Lin laid on me hugging me tightly. she hated horror movies with a firry passion.Chris sat on the end of the couch by himself. he can be a real loner sometimes.
"You know...we still have to tell her about Florida." I looked up at Dreke.
"Later." he gave me a kiss on the head. and Chris, as usual had to comment.
"Get a room."
Dreke answered before I could.
"This is a room."
I gave a squeeze for that. Lin kicked Chris in the stomach.
"Shut up! I've been waiting for them to be together since middle school."
"Ow geez...take a joke will ya?" Lin gave Chris a dirty look then jumped in his arms when the killer appeared in the movie. Chris grinned. "if you wanted to sit on my lap you should've said so." he gave her a wink. it was dark but I know when Lin blushes. this was the type of situation that would make Lin blush.
Lin slapped Chris. it wasn't an abnormal reaction for Lin and it wasn't the first time Chris got slapped.
"How dare you!" Lin whispered and moved herself back over to me. Chris rubbed his cheek but smiled.
"Ok, but if you wanna snuggle I'm here."
They fight a lot but it's cute. I think they would make a cute couple but Lin would kill me if I said it aloud. Pizza arrived twenty minutes later and Lin answered the door. That pizza guy surely got it for being late. Lin gets grumpy when she's hungry. so instead of a tip the poor kid got the yelling of a lifetime. He should thank his stars that he was good looking otherwise he would've got beat up too. guess he bribed her with his phone number.
"You got digits?"
"Sure did." Lin was beaming with pride. not only was she holding the pizza box but she got a cute boy's number. score. Chris was not amused.
"I'm sure he was desperate." the smile of amusement on his face was wiped away quickly once Lin punched him in his stomach. she started chasing him around the house. he kept teasing her and laughing at her. that only aggravated her more. yeah, they're going to make a cute couple one day.
"Want a slice since those two aren't having any soon?" Dreke handed me a slice of pizza and we had or first dinner together. eventually Lin stopped chasing Chris and got a slice herself but it was to eat with Dreke alone. before leaving Dreke and I informed Mom about Florida...
That was a mission on its own. she agreed an I got packing once Dreke left and said goodnight. Florida. That's a long way from home. and to go on a dangerous paranormal mission. I don't even know if I'm ready. but I promised and besides, what could go wrong right?

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