Chapter 14

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"Let's take a walk." Dreke turned to me and looked back out into the ocean again taking it in. I got up and put my hands on my hips.
"Hey, the ocean isn't going anywhere you know... I just want some sand dollars." I turned on my heel and started walking away.
"I know but-" he must of 'looked up at me' but I was already walking away. "Hey!" Dreke got up and jogged behind me and grabbed my wrist. "wait up, would ya?" He entangled his fingers through mine.
"Oh hey, you caught up." he gave me a flat look.
"Really? I was just thinking. You know we're not here on vacation. We have a lot to do."
I started walking and Dreke followed."I know. This will be the only time we get to really spend together without being attacked or interrupted."
Dreke stopped walking and pulled me into him. "What?" I was confused. He hugged me and I hugged him back. Seeing that he was at least a foot taller than me, when we hugged my face laid on his chest. His heartbeat was strong and steady.
"I know, and it's tough. But we're together and I'll watch over you. You know I'll always have your back."
My heart felt light and warm. "I know."
I looked at Chris who was throwing shells to see if he could make it into the water. After the- I don't know, tenth shell he gets tired.
"Where's Sam?" Wow, we've been here for how long and I never realized that she was gone. Goes to show how much I care about her.
"Wow...I didn't even know she was missing."Chris laughed and started to get up. "I'm serious."
He held out his hand to help me up.
"I never said that you weren't serious."
I took his hand and was lifted up faster then I realized. So fast I made a weird animalistic noise because I got scared.
Chris just laughed at me.
"Not funny." We walked over to the car and looked back into the trunk where Sam was still resting. "Thats not natural."
Chris shh'ed me while laughing.
"Did you just 'shh' me?"
"Shh. What's not natural?" He was whispering?! This girl has been asleep for how long? And he's whispering?
We should call 911
"Her! She's not natural."
"Why?" This idiot is still whispering...
"She's been sleeping for hours without food or bathroom breaks. I know she's not exactly 'human' but still."
He smiled and look at Sam. I smacked him. "Ow! What was that for?!"
"For still whispering after I smacked you and for looking at Sam like that."
He rubbed the side of his face.
"Wanna play a prank on her?"
"Like what?" Now he stops whispering?
"Like starting the car and scaring the crap out of her?"
"I like the sound of that!" We raced to the front seats.
Everything was calm until we heard the Jeep roar and a scream. There was no time to think. Dreke and I ran to the car as quickly as we could in hopes that everyone was okay. We get to Jeep finally only to find two clowns dying on the floor. Lin and Chris were having a ball on the floor while Sam looked like she was ready to choke them. Her claws were out and if we weren't at an what seemed to be an abandoned beach we'd be screwed.
"What's going on?!" I kind of knew what was going on but I did not run through sand to watch this. Dreke wasn't amused either, matter of fact he was pretty pissed himself.
"Wait...hold" they started to die laughing again. They were laughing so hard that they couldn't breathe. " okay okay." Lin got up first. "so we were getting bored and realized Sam wasn't with us so we checked up on her." She caught her breathe and while doing this, Chris gets up and starts to finish her sentence.
"When we checked up on her she was asleep so we..." There he goes, laughing again.
"So we got in the car and decided to start it and scare her." with that they were done laughing and high-fived each other. I looked over them to see Sam trying to calm herself with breathing methods. They did a great job of scaring her because she's angry, very angry.
"Well," Dreke took in a deep breathe. "the Suns starting to go down so let's start heading out."
Sam grumbled but didn't argue. She hopped in the back again.
The dying hyenas' in the back snuggled together and took a nap. Dreke turned on the radio and I turned to my side to watch the scenery go by. We were going to our hotel but I wanted to keep the rest a surprise. You never know what could happen. One tree
Two trees
Three trees
Four trees
Black out.

Pure BloodOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora