Chapter two

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Yes, I'm in a pack. But unfortunately I'm not the Alpha; I'm just a strong beta. Dreke (pronounced Drake) is the Alpha of the group and I am second in command. Dreke is some sort of mix between a werewolf and a wild cat. if it was up to me, I'd classify him as a were-panther. Sam has claws like a werewolf and long sharp fangs like a vampire. She is a mix as well but not with a werewolf...I don't know, she's weird but definitely part vampire. Chris is a were-bear and isn't as cute and cuddly as he sounds. Unless he was sleeping or eating his favorite ice cream. Just picture someone changing into a giant ferocious grizzly bear right before your eyes!! We all met in the strangest way...Well I've never been too popular and I freaked people out. So I'm always by myself. I met Lin in the 6th grade. She confronted me and kept irritating me with personal questions. I threw a curveball at her by telling her to keep her were-fleas away. It was pretty funny to see the look on her face. I met all my friends that way, come to think of it. I saw through each of their glamour's to their very core. Who they really were; they were surely surprised but it's how I got to get so close with them. Anyways, school had just ended a week ago and I intended to enjoy it to the fullest. That is, until I got some devastating news when meeting Lin at the park. "You what?!" I looked at Lin like I was going to slap her. "I know, I'm sorry. But you know how cool it is to have your own pack! I have my own pack and I'm Alpha!" Lin was practically leaping with joy. But she looked at my face as I slowly sunk in the depths of despair. (Depth of despair is when something devastating happens to me and I take it to the extreme of having levels if sadness) "I won't be gone all the time and I will still be at the meetings." Lin touched my shoulder for comfort. I looked into her hazel eyes. "You have a pack already but if you could make it to all the meetings I'll overlook this." I looked at her facial expression which was smug as she nodded her head. I squinted my eyes at her. "You're not going to make it to all the meetings, are you?" She smiled at me and shook her head. "You know me so well." I gave her one last angry look then started laughing. "I can't stay mad at you" we locked arms and walked along the park's pond.

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