Chapter 15

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I was startled by the car door slamming. I was half asleep so my eyes were half shut. I think I saw Dreke leave the car and into what seemed to be a hotel. I rubbed my eyes to wake myself up and looked in the back of the Jeep. Lin and Chris were still sleeping. So was Sam. Before I could say anything Dreke came back to car. He leaned on my side.
"I just booked us a room."
I raised my eyebrow at him. He rolled his eyes at me.
"A nice room. I couldn't afford the penthouse but I got something pretty close."
"Does it have a queen bed?"
"No, it has two Kings." He smiled at me and I returned the gesture.
All of a sudden we heard an outburst from the back.
"Would you too go get a room?" Chris of course was just getting up.  I have him a death glare.
Lin elbowed him. "I think they're cute. And did you say two kings?"
We got out of the car and into our room. Lin and I leading the way ready to meet our nice soft beds. The boys were in the back talking. I thought it was a little suspicious.
Chris never gives up an opportunity to not be around Lin. He's always messing with her. What's up?
I nudged Lin and signaled to the boys in the back. She looked at me confused and j signaled again. When she gave me a shrug I realized I had to actually tell her.
I told her to get closer and whispered. "I think they're up to something."
"What do you mean?"
"I don't know, they just seem like they're up to no good."
"I think you're being a little paranoid don't you think?"
I guess she was right but still...
The boys stop us when we got to the door. The hallway is super long so we kind of went ahead. Dreke gave Chris a smirk and turned the key. They opened the door and let us go in first. It was dark but that didn't stop Lin.
I turned on the lights and she was right. The place was huge. It was like a mini house. Entering, there's a walk in closet to your left and a small bathroom to your right. When you actually step further into the room there a small kitchen to your right with cherry wood countertop and appliances. Soft white carpet everywhere. Left of the kitchen was the main bathroom. It was the size of a bedroom. I could probably actually sleep in the bathroom if I wanted to. The living room was connected to the kitchen area since it was open. There was a plasma screen TV on the wall. There were two large doors by the TV. When you pulled the doors there were two large King size beds with possibly the most fluffiest pillows I've ever seen. There was a balcony over looking the ocean and the beach we were just on. Plus parts of the city. By the balcony, a jacuzzi the had colorful lights that lit up the water.
To say that Lin and I were ecstatic, would be an understatement. 
We squealed and I turned around and jumped onto Dreke.
"Thank you." I whispered into his shoulder.
He smiled and out me down.
"Go put on your bathing suits, I say we deserve a relaxing night before tomorrow."
I smiled and ran to get my luggage.
Chris looked at our exchange and then at Lin.
"Where's my hug? Hmm?"
Lin smirked. "Your thank you will be seeing me in my bathing suit." She winked at him.
Chris smiled and raced after Lin.
Sam put her items on one of the beds and took out a laptop.
As I unpacked my things and looked for my bath suit. "What are you doing? Aren't you going swimming with us?"
Sam glowered at me. "No." With an attitude."
I tried to retain myself. She is part of the pack after all. "Well,why not?"
"I have better things to do." She snapped, while looking at the laptop screen.
I rolled my eyes. I'm tired of trying to be nice to her.
Lin noticed my frustration. She shrugged. "It's okay. I didn't want you to be with us anyway. You're like an old lady. Old, miserable, and never has anything nice to say but 'get off my lawn!' "
I was trying so hard not to laugh. Lin's old person impression is the best thing ever.
"What? Are you going online to look at cats?"
Sam snapped head up to look Lin in the eye.
"Actually I'm going to Skype my boyfriend."
Lin and I were shocked. Sam looked at our faces with triumph and pride. We quickly composed ourselves.
"Oh really? Someone would date you? Shit, where? At the park feeding pigeons?" Lin smirked at her.
And I could take it anymore."no, trash"
There was a silence for a second. Just a second, I regretted what I said until Lin burst into laughter.
Sam gave me a glare and went back to her laptop.
Lin and I left the room with our swim wear dying of laughter. The boys seemed confused but shrugged it off. We parted our ways when we went to go change in our bathing suits. I know I wasn't going to change In front of Sam.
I let Lin go into the bigger bathroom. I felt like she would need it more. I looked back to have my suspicions confirmed. As soon as Lin went in, it wasn't long before Chris went in and joined her.
I giggled a little and put my hand in the doorknob.  Then I felt pressure on my arm. I turned around to see Dreke.
"Uh, yes?" I looked at his hand that was still on my arm.
Dreke looked at our physical contact and released. Not sure if he was feeling the awkward tension but I surely was.
He scratched the back of his head.
"I...wanted to talk to you."
I let go of the door handle. "About what?"
"About a specific mission."
"Yeah, what's up?"
He leaned in closer and shifted his eyes a bit from my lips to my eyes. He leaned into my ear and whispered.
"It's a small but important mission."
I could feel my heart rate picking up and it's wasn't too difficult to figure out why.
"I think you're starting to figure out what I'm talking about." He smirked at me. I knew he was because I could feel his facial muscles move against my ear as he slowly back away. Not far enough that it wasn't personal. But close enough for me to truly see every feature on his face.
He was truly stunning when you thought about it. His chiseled face, dimples, green eyes-
Focus Tianna!
Dreke put his hands on my waist.
"Maybe I should tell you the plans more in detail."
I was incapable of doing anything. What's going on?! I can't move. I can't think properly. I can't even talk right now!!
I just nodded.
He laughed. It was his usual light, cute laugh. It was more...seductive.
Uh oh.
"Well since we're already by the bathroom.."
I was already leaning against the door. And all he had to do was turn the handle. We both fell
Next thing I know, the lights are out.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01, 2016 ⏰

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