Where have I been??

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I'm not gonna lie, I haven't been busy

But I have been going through somethings that need my attention and I hope y'all understand

I haven't been feeling like myself lately and I've been feeling depressed for a while now

Idk what it is but it's affecting my writing so I decided to take a break, just to fix my mental health before doing anything that I love

As some ppl know, I tried to do a very stupid thing a couple times and it wasn't ok as it landed me into the hospital each time

I'm not gonna go into details about it but most y'all can piece together what I meant

However, one key factor into my depression was the break up with my ex

My ex and I were together for 5 yrs which to some may not seem long but it felt like a life time to me and bc of that it hurt me greatly

I felt like 5 yrs of my life was wasted and after our break up he unfortunately fell into a coma due to a violent act

For personal reasons I won't say but that affected tremendously, he's doing better as he woke about 2 weeks ago and he's starting to feel like his old self again

It may seem weird that I care so much about since he's my ex but I can't let 5 yrs of feelings down so easily, I am over him but I still care about so I hope y'all understand

But I have a bf and things seemed better in the beginning, I felt happy again but something change in him

I won't say what they are (cuz idk anyway) but he hasn't been treating right for awhile

He's getting help now but we always fall back into the same argument and that too has affected my mental health

As we all know schools will be closed for the rest of the yr which means online classes are in session and my school work and grades come before anything

That's it for now and I will be back very soon but I wanted a break and that's all I asked for

I hope this doesn't angry anybody or upset anyone but it was my decision to do so, hopefully this inspires u to think about ur health and life as we only live once so we have to make the most of it

I love would love to hear about how everyone has been or how there day was and if u would like to talk my messages are always open

Make sure y'all wash ur hands often and wear disposable face mask outside as this virus is very serious, plz do not touch ur eyes, nose or mouth with dirty hands

Keep practicing social distancing, ik it's hard for some ppl as we all miss our friends but it's for the benefit of us and others

Plz keep that in mind and have a good day/night

I love u y'all, bye.

That's Mine?!-Kastudeku/bakudekuWhere stories live. Discover now