• Perdón •

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Bakugou paced around his room, thinking about whether he should talk to the omega or not

Apart of him wanted to but the other wanted to let the bunny felt hurt and worthless like the old times, he was fighting with his demon and angel

Many scenarios played in his mind, he could either be humiliated if the bunny rejects him or he can get another fresh start with his long lost family

Deep down Bakugou wanted to Deku but his pride was too big for him to actually do. He didn't want to seem like a helpless nobody looking for a family

It made him seen like this dog who keeps running back and that's not what he was, he was an alpha for pete's sake. They don't go crying to omegas, the weaklings cry to them

But he didn't want to let his son down, he was starting to form a bond with the small wolf and leaving him once again will leave him heartbroken

Even though Bakugou couldn't give a fück about anyone's feelings, he did for his son. The son that was finally opening up to him, the son that he was happy to be around

Even if he and Deku had some issues, he had to be there for the one thing that connected them but he didn't want to see them argue and hate each other

Bakugou vaguely remembers Deku wishing he had a nuclear family, wanting his father to be there and tuck him in at night and read him bed time stories

The hero couldn't relate on the topic as he grew up with both parents around but he witnessed Deku and his mother all alone in their small apartment with very little room

As much as he was conflicted on whether he wanted to see the bunny, he made up his mind. He going to make things right between them

Or at least try to

He was very difficult to get along with and the omega was deeply hurt by him, so if he was to get rejected then it was a waste of time

Even so he still had the right to be his pups life and that's what he was going to do, be there for him

But he'll have to teach his kid a lesson on respect for Deku - even though he lacks that himself-

He grabbed his essential items and made his to car, he was finally going to see the person he hates yet loves


The mother son duo woke up from their naps and sat in a uncomfortable silence, neither knew how to break it

After Karma's confession it put the two in a awkward place, the pup was still mad at his mother yet he loved him with all his heart

The omega was still damaged beyond repair and it felt like nothing could fix that -except for a miracle-

A distressed scent wore off of Deku and covered the alpha that was still cuddled up next to him, the pup whimpered and held tightly to his mother for comfort and released a calming pheromone

The distressed omega calmed down instantly and squeezed his pup as tight as he can

"Karma, please talk to me. I miss the old you, the you that would huddle up next to me at night, the you that would help me get up in the morning and make breakfast. I miss all of that"

The pup stayed quiet, he didn't make a motion or sound. His ears dropped against his mother's chest and tears filled his eyes

Those tears leaked out onto Deku's sweater and coated it with a very big wet stain mark. He missed those days too

"I want to f-forgive you.....but you lied about something so big and important to me and I-i can't get passed that, I'm sorry"

He wrapped his tail around the bunnys thigh and hugged him back tighter, he inhaled that marshmallow - honey scent that he was so drawn too

"Karma I'm s-"

A knock interrupted Deku, he wasn't expecting anyone to show up. He quietly made his way out the room and down the stair case

In his view he can see a faint silhouette of a very familiar tuft of blonde spiky hair as the banging came back again and again

Deku crept over slowly and stopped in front of it, contemplating on whether to open it or not. He knew exactly who it was and he wasn't looking forward to see that face he fell in love with

"Deku open up, it's me"

"I know"

He mumbled under his breath before leaving to the living room
I'm very srry for the month long break, I had writers block and I was in a accident that involved me being injured

I am ok and I'm srry if I worried any of u, I'm happy to be back and I hope y'all have a great day

mirajane59 I hope u enjoy this and I can't wait to hear from u

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