Bonus: Halloween [Unedited]

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Artist: spaztiline on Instagram

A Halloween special

Have a happy Halloween and be safe!

A small child was excited, estactic actually. Why?? Because it was his favorite holiday and that is Halloween

He loved it, the candy, the costumes, and the horror movies that would premiere during the spooky season

What he loved even more was doing those things with his mom and dad, even though his mother was a big fan

Every year he and his father would pull the ultimate prank on him and he fell for it each year

You might be wondering, what prank did they pull? Well your store for a very hilarious adventure

Step 1: Get Deku out of the house

"Izuku!!" A tall blonde male called out to his beautiful husband from downstairs


The short male came down stairs in a Harley Quinn costume. Bakugou stared up and down as his husband walked up to him in tight booty shorts

"Yes Kacchan~"

His hips swayed from side to side as he walked up to the blonde, stopping in from of him, his fingers walked up Bakugous chest

"I'd be careful if I were you"

"Why's that puddin'??~"

A prominent blush scattered across the blondes face, his husband not only looked sexy but was also acting sexy

He's one lucky guy

"Aw, why so flustered babe?? It's just a question~"

Izuku continued to tease his lovely husband, it felt like it was his treat but little did he know, he was in for a massive trick

"Your so hot"

The greenette giggled as the blonde grasp his hips and pulled him closer until there lips connected. Smiling and laughing during their make out session caught the attention of their precious son

"Ew, gross"

He pretended to gag as he held his stomach, the parents pulled away but still held onto to each. Watching their son laying on the ground

"I think I'm gonna be sick!"

Fake vomit exited his back pocket and was thrown on the floor, everyone shared a good laugh

"Alrighty, go pull on a long coat and go get the candy"

Bakugou smacked Dekus ass and walked away to get a very long coat, he didn't want anyone else other than him staring at his property

"Be safe"

They shared a kiss on the cheek and Deku walked out the house. The father and son watched from the window when they saw Dekus car pull off

Opening the door, a flood of adults raced into their house. Familiar faces were recognized as the blur went away

"Does everyone have their props??"

From fake blood to heliographic bats and mice, the props were set up. In the living room, kitchen and all the way up into the bathroom

"Are you sure this is a good idea Bakugou??"

Tokoyami expressed a great concern for this prank, they were definitely going all out this year and he wasn't sure if Deku could handle it

Everyone knew that the precious greenette gets scared very easily, just last week he got scared that a fly landed on his limited edition All Might figure

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