• Pre Heat II •

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Artist: Unknown

Slight NSFW


The tiny man has entered into a pre heat, he was in a better state of mind than he would be in a full blown heat, but his omegan instincts were telling him to get some type of pleasure

Bakugou has dealt with a heated Deku in the past but this was different. Back then, Deku was always a shy type in bed, never too vocal about anything that would happen to him

He'd just played the submissive role he was supposed to be, but now as adults, Deku was a slightly more demanding. And it was kinda sexy in Bakugou's opinion

"Kacchan~ please"

He bounced up and down trying to create friction, which was difficult because the blonde was hard. The wolf wasn't going to take advantage of him, but that didn't stop him from thinking that this Deku was hot

Bakugou grabbed the bunny's wrist and pinned them to the cushion, his body following soon after. A moan left his mouth as he saw the blonde restraint and tower over him


"Y-your not gonna fück him"

Those words cycled through the blonde's head over and over, making it an unspoken promise. However, with Deku's frame open to his eyes, it was definitely hard to say he wasn't thinking about it

His rose colored eyes traveled the greenette's body, he was surprisingly fit. Slight muscles on his arms, tiny ab lines, tiny waist too. And we can't forget those hips and thighs

But what stood out the most was a 4-6 inch scar that covered Dekus lower abdomen. The wound was very old and healed up, it looked like a scratch mark. But Bakugou knew exactly what it was

"So....... beautiful"

He pinned the wrist down with one hand and trailed the over to the long scar, his thump ran over repeatedly. It felt just like is normal skin but looked complete different

He leaned down to the area and kissed it. Soft and gentle pecks landed on every inch of the stitched up skin, he didn't find it revolting at all

"So pretty"

Whispers touched the skin, tiny licks were placed. Bakugou completely forgot about the heated Deku until moans were flooding his ears


Picking up the bunny, he walked over to his desk and sat the man on his lap. Deku bounced up and down trying to create some sort of friction once again

His legs were growing tired but he couldn't stop, this was the only thing skin on skin action he could get right now

The blonde searched up ways to get an omega out heat, which proved to fail his expectation as the only thing that popped up was sex

He wasn't going to fück him but he needed to get the boy out of heat quickly, who knows if someone is going to barge in

Bakugou's only alternative was to dry hump him. He wasn't completely upset with the idea as he was still get some type of pleasure

The pro hero picked up the bunny and bent him over on the desk, his ass in full view for him. It brought back many memories of Deku begging for more but he knew it was just his heat talking

As much as he loved the sex, it was wrong. This is wrong. He shouldn't have put the greenette in this situation, once his pre heat is over, he'll probably never forgive Bakugou

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