I Am Found

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Later that Month

We all managed to get back home and we all just laughed and talked the whole way back, then Mark's phone buzzed.

"Hello?" His facial expression changed dramatically the second the person spoke on the phone, "Now you listen here you son of a bitch! I told you to stop ringing me, we broke up a month ago..... No buts madam you cheated on me," He said with anger in his voice, ooooo he's got some tea to spill. "BYE!" He shouted.

"Mark, spill!" I shouted.

"That was (give me a name in the comments) she was my girlfriend for about a year, and you remember Vixen?"

"Yeah I remember him! How's he doin'?" I asked, wonder how he fits into this.

"Wait Vixen Ammonite?" Lenny said, a bit confused.

"Yep that one you know him?" -Mark

"Yeah he's my parent's friend! He visits us allot." He said while rolling his head and saying allot for longer.

"Well, he's the one (need a name for Mark's EX) cheated on me with." Once he said that, Lenny and I pulled the same surprised Pikachu look. 

"DANG!" We both said in unison, while Mark just started laughing.

"You two should see your faces right now!" He couldn't stop laughing.

Time skip cause I'm Lazy

We all settled down as Mark started to make us food, I love it when he cooks! Lenny was just looking down at his phone, when his face lit up,

"Tim!" He said rather excitedly, wonder what he just saw.

"Lenny!" I say giggling.

"You know that new pizzeria that's just down the road! I applied for a job there not expecting anything back (A/N Lets just say it's summer cause why not!) and they said that I could work as a night guard for the summer! And guess what?" He said rather fast, I couldn't help but giggle a bit, I've not seen him this excited for a while.

"What?" I said rather curious, as if it couldn't get any better for him. 

"They said that if you wanted you could tag along with me!" I smiled at the thought of that, my god I get to go to the new pizza place with my boyfriend with no one else there!

"YAYYY!!!" I say rather loudly, I'm just so happy not only has my Lenny scored himself a job but I get to go with him! "When do you start? Also, what is the place called again I forgot." I said rubbing the back of my neck.

"I start on Monday! And it's called Freddy Fazbear's Pizza! I've gotta tell my parents! They'll be so happy!" He said while running to the door, he stopped to give me a kiss on the cheek, "I'll be back in a minute!" He then ran to the door excited. 

"HEY TIM!" Mark yelled from the kitchen, "WHAT WAS THAT ABOUT!" 
I started to walk towards the kitchen, still with a massive grin on my face.

"LennyjustgotajobanditsanightshiftandhesaidthatIcouldgowithhimand I'M TOO HAPPY!!" Mark laughed.

"Okay, I understood exactly nothing, try that again." He said trying not to burst into laughter

"Lenny just got a job and it's a night shift and he said that I could go with him!" I said slightly slower, still having a massive grin on my face. "TOLD YOU I'M TOO HAPPY!"

"Well well well, nice job Lenard!" As if on Que, Lenny walks back into the house still smiling like anything, nothing could ruin this for him! I run up to him and hug him and kiss him, he kisses back. "Guys I'm still in the room, remember!" Mark said sarcastically.

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