。・*:・゚★。・* chapter fifteen

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Point Place, Wisconsin
The Hub

Point Place, WisconsinThe Hub

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"You know Kelso, maybe if you stopped staring at girl's asses all the time maybe you could actually understand what we were talking about." Donna tells Michael as he blatantly stares straight at a blonde girl's ass over by the counter. I couldn't even begin to count the amount of times Michael had whined about being left out of our conversations due to him being a perv and not listening.

"Huh?" He furrows his thick eyebrows lightly, his mouth open in thought, not having listened to a word Donna had just said.

"Watch him cry in ten minutes about being left out the conversation, what a big baby!" Fez giggles and continues eating his fries I bought him a few minutes ago, a smirk itching across my face.

Eric, Fez, Donna, Michael and I were currently in The Hub, waiting for Hyde to appear so we could all go to Eric's. Fez was adamant on us all walking together to 'create more American memories' along the way, which he had been drilling into us since he got here.

All he had spoken about for weeks was missing out on the 'fun filled childhood' that he was so certain we all experienced in America, despite us telling him there was nothing special he had missed out on and he probably had more fun that all of us put together. 

"Did you guys see the fishing show last night? The presenter got bitten by some huge fish and it took a chunk out of his leg." Eric starts to ramble, leaning forward onto the table, "It was awesome!"

"Like Penny did to Kelso with her bike?" Donna teases, taking some of Fez's fries as everyone snickers at the memory. Mostly everyone left ours yesterday at around one in the morning, after more than twelve hours of constant drinking it was safe to say everyone was pretty wasted.

Penny ended up sleeping most of the day in my bedroom, which was probably best considering most of the adults were hammered. Maureen and Frank ended up crashing at ours in the living room, Donna and Jackie stayed with me in my room, and I don't know how, but somehow all three of us ended up sleeping in my single bed.

I woke up with Jackie's foot way too close for comfort and Donna's legs sprawled out across both of us at an awkward angle, but we were all too wasted to care and it turned out to be one of the best days we'd had together.

The boys went back to Eric's and crashed in the basement, resulting in endless drunk calls from them to our home phone up until at least four in the morning. I'm surprised none of us are that hungover, considering Casey went out three times to buy more beer yesterday. I definitely felt it this morning when I woke up, but the food we had just eaten cleared my head massively.

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