Wild thing

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After Zsasz's little outburst you decided you had to play with him tonight. You slipped into the red cocktail dress Roman made sure to have delivered to your room and worked on your hair and make up. He had your room stocked with clothes, make up, really everything you could need to live here. 

The heels of your shoes clicked on the floor as you walked into the main living room where Roman and Victor waited for you. Roman wanted to show up with all three of you together so you made a statement. You entered the room and Roman stood straighter from where he was standing. 

He held a hand out for you to take a spin. You twirled a little bit, making sure to lock eyes with Victor before you did it. He rolled his eyes and crossed his arms. "You look exquisite." Roman chimed. "Thanks Romy." you said with a hint of flirtation in your voice. You followed the men out to the car and Victor opened your door for you, making sure to slam it once you were barely inside. 

The driver took you to the party and Roman made sure to help you out of the car. As you walked in several people raised glasses to your small group or made it clear to acknowledge you. Respect. Roman had Gotham's fear and respect and them seeing you walk in with him and Vic meant no one was going to say a word to you. 

You slid into the round corner booth with Roman and Victor. It was quiet and tense and you made sure to scoot extra close to Vic to make sure he wasn't going to say anything in front of Roman. He huffed as you placed a hand on his thigh, making him suck air in. 

"I'm gonna go get a drink." you said, standing and walking over to the bar. It was on the other side of the club and you couldn't see the table from there. At the bar the bartender asked what you wanted and began making it. "Hey you walked in with Sionis didn't you?" the man waiting next to you said. 

You looked over at him and nodded. "Wanna dance?" he asked boldly. You looked at him again and smiled. Taking your drink with you the man led you to the dance floor. You began dancing with him and the others around you, making sure to let loose and allow Victor and Roman to see. 

You looked over and saw Roman mouth something along the lines of, "She's fun" to Victor but his counterpart could not have seemed less amused. You could practically hear his low growl and gritting of his teeth from where you stood. The man pulled you in and planted kisses along your collarbone and that's when Victor had enough. 

You looked up to see the blonde walking straight towards you. He shoved the man in the chest but the unaware man knew better than to say something to Victor Zsasz if he wanted to walk away with all of his body parts attached. Victor began dragging you to the exit as you fought him. Roman was starring at the scene but didn't stop his friend. 

Once outside you jerked your arm away from Victor. "What the hell is wrong with you, I was just dancing." you yelled. He laughed angrilly and shook his head. "No, you're looking for a man's attention and I'm warning you y/n. Don't play with me." he said through gritted teeth. "I thought you said you weren't jealous?" you asked crossing your arms. 

He didn't respond he just glared at you. You slowly walked over and put a hand on his chest softly. "I didn't mean to upset you." you said truthfully. He looked down at you and then looked away, trying to mask his feelings. "I have an idea," you said sweetly. "Yeah?" he asked. You giggled a bit, "Yeah." you said pulling him back to the door of the club. 

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