"That's OK, not everyone has a nickname. Nellie's a nice name, you don't need to shorten it." Nellie gives me the smallest of smiles, obviously still unsure about me and the camp. I wonder if it's the first time she's been away from her family.

     "Right, follow Cassie and Jonah," Zoe instructs the other three littles as she sends them towards me at the opening of the tent.

     Nellie walks close to me as we head towards the log cabin toilets that sit on the path that leads up from the car park. 

     "Jonah, can you take the boys in, and I'll take the girls," I say as we stop outside the toilets. Jonah nods, following Alfie and Benjy through the left door.

     Nellie and Gabriella rinse their paintbrushes and then wash out and fill up two water pots. We meet the boys outside and walk back to the tent. Alfie and Benjy chat away happily about something they remember from last year. I don't know why, but it makes me smile.

     In the tent, the rest of the group has finished tidying and are lining up to walk to lunch. We put the pots and brushes back and then join the end of the line. I stand beside Nellie, becoming more aware that she might be feeling overwhelmed. She's the only little who hasn't talked to any of the others yet and she always has a weary look on her face.

     In the Great Mess Hall, it's chicken goujon wraps and potato wedges for lunch. Some of the littles unfold their wraps and pull the salad leaves out, and some of them eat quicker than I've ever seen.

     Nellie sits beside me eating slowly, seeming to enjoy the silent company. Kelsey sits on my other side, chatting away to one of the other six-year-olds, Lily. Zoe is opposite me, Annie and Daisy giggle through their lunch on one side of her, as Gabriella picks at her wrap on the other.

     I see the guys across the room, joking around with their group. Crash pulls a silly face at some of the kids across the table, causing them to erupt into laughter. Good to know Crash acts like a child around everyone, not just me.

     When the littles are finished we pile our plates on one of the trolleys by the serving hatch and follow Zack down to the beach.

     "Right, let's sit in a circle," Zack tells the group, sitting down on the golden sand. We follow suit and form a circle. "I know some of us know each other from last year, but there are new faces as well. We're going to go around the circle, say our name and our favourite thing. And if someone likes something you do as well, you can talk about it later." Zack smiles at the littles, trying to gauge whether or not they understand. "I'll go first. My name is Zack and my favourite thing is playing rugby. I train on Saturdays with a group by my house," he tells us and then points to the boy with chubby cheeks sat beside him.

     "My name's Harry and my favourite thing is going swimming with Uncle Ralph." Harry smiles, revealing a very gappy mouth. My heart melts, he's so dang cute.

     We follow the circle around with mostly generic 'I like to watch Paw Patrol' or 'my favourite thing is football' with the counsellors in between trying to prompt some different responses. And then it comes to me.

     "I'm Cassie, or Cass if you like." I glance at Nellie beside me. Her eyes are focused on the distance, but I can tell she's listening. "And my favourite thing to do is read. Especially because my dog, Harley, likes to lay in my lap when I'm reading."

     There are a few mumbles about their own pets, but Zack hushes the group gently, motioning to Nellie for her turn. She looks around the group and grabs a strand of her hair to play with.

     "Um. My name's Nellie. I like," she pauses, unsure. "Um."

     "You like reading too, right, Nellie? You were reading The Gruffalo earlier." I prompt, choosing not to mention her mum in case it sets her or any of the littles off.

     "Yeah." She gives me a small smile.

     As the circle moves on I feel Nellie shift a little closer towards me and a sudden sense of belonging spreads across my body. I can do it. I can be exactly what the littles need me to be.

     When everyone has had their turn, Zack sets up a game of dodgeball for the group. The littles flail around, seeming to make up their own rules.

     "Look at how much fun they're having!" Zack laughs, a smile spreads from one side of his face to the other.

     I watch the kids, smiling, even Nellie who seemed apprehensive of the game to begin with, has picked up a ball and is running around with it.

     "This is what we do it for," Zoe tells me, cheering as Gabriella throws a ball at Noah. Technically he should be out, but he just throws the ball right back at her, glee written on his face.

     I'd never really understood my aunt's choice of career, but now I know why she does it. To see these kids smiling, having fun, giving them the kind of memories they might not get elsewhere. There are no words to describe the feeling, but I'm honoured to be a part of it.

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