"And class, this is what you not do when you come in late. First of all, you did not greet me and say good morning." said Mr. Romano, his eyebrow slightly raising, "Well?"

"Good morning." I mumbled.

"I cannot hear you." he said arrogantly.

"Good morning!" I yelled, my nose quickly flaring.

"How rude. Do you not know my name?"

"No I do not." I said getting pissed off.

   He then tsk'd and pointed to the board.

"My name is Mr. Romano. My first name is Mister and my surname is Romano. What is my name?"

  The class began to laugh as Mr. Romano waited for me to respond.

"Mr. Romano." I said with clenched teeth.

"Good, now because we don't have an extra desk, you have to go find one."


"There are no buts in my class. Now go find a seat somewhere. If you are not back in five minutes, you will be marked as absent and cannot return to my class until lunch period."

"Whoa there, what do you mean by return to my class until lunch period?"

"You have detention. You were late to my class. Either way, you have detention for two days."

"What the hell?! Why two days?!"

"Three, would you like to make that four?"

  People in the class began to laugh loudly, my face heating up from anger and embarrassment.

"You should get going, Stripper Girl." he whispered with a discreet wink.

   I angrily turned and stomped out of the class, going to the class across the hall. I kissed my teeth when the classroom was vacant with no teacher in sight. Frowning, my back hit the wall and slid down.


"Not now..." I mumbled.

   I saw a shadow hover over me and a slight chuckle.

"Why so emo?"

  A smile crept up on my face. Looking up, I saw Mr. Armstrong hover over me. Mr. Armstrong is my favorite teacher of all time. In fact, we're both pretty good friends. I met him at my freshmen orientation 4 years ago and he took me to Starbucks for some coffee. Some people thought we were in a relationship, but one, it's illegal, and two, we're just good friends. It's also hilarious when he vents to me about teachers he hate, especially Ms. Rodd. She just won't stop flirting with the poor guy! In fact, Mr. Armstrong is considered the hottest male teacher of our school, but I guess that all will change since Mr. Romano came.

"I'm not emo." I said rolling my eyes, "This stupid... Romano douche wants me to get a chair since I was late, but he slammed the door right in my face!"

"Shh... Keep it down." he said chuckling, "Come, let's go get that chair for you."

   Suddenly, Mr. Romano opened the door and his face went from playful to serious when his eyes landed on Mr. Armstrong. Mr. Romano's eyes sparked something and his serious face began to scare me. Mr. Armstrong turned to look at him, his left hand going into his pocket.

"Oh, so you're Mr. Romano?"

"Yeah." replied Mr. Romano, leaning on the wall, "That's my student there."

"I see." said Mr. Armstrong, looking over at me and then back at him, "But you see, she's pretty upset that she has to go get a chair since she's late. I happened to see her while I was coming down the hallway, so I was going to go find a chair for her."

"No, no. That's fine."

"She needs a chair."

"She can sit in mine."

"Then why did you send her out?!" said Mr. Armstrong, his voice getting a little high.

"To show discipline. I am the teacher of this class, and I will show her what to do when she's late. She is merely an example for the students of this class. You as a teacher should understand where I am coming from here. Do you Americans not know much?" said Mr. Romano, his Italian accent lightly coming out, "Stripper Girl, come here."

"What do you mean dis- Stripper Girl?" said Mr. Armstrong, turning to me, "What the hell is this guy saying? I can't hear him over the bullshit he speaks."

  I shrugged my shoulders and frowned, getting up and walking towards Mr. Romano.

"Now if you excuse me, I shall go teach my student and my class. Good day, stronzo."

  I glared at Mr. Romano. How dare he call Mr. Armstrong an asshole?! I apologetically looked back at Mr. Armstrong and walked into the classroom, sitting at Mr. Romano's desk. His trench coat was stretched across his desk, his strong cologne smell protruding from it. I jumped when I heard the door slam. I looked over to Mr. Romano to see him go back to the middle of the class.

"Okay, as I was saying, I will be teaching Italian this year. Usually I would to a questionnaire, but telling by this class, some of you will ask vulgar questions. Matter of fact," he said clasping his hands together, "Let's do one. If someone asks a vulgar question, they will be sent to the dean's office. Now, who would like to start?"

   The class was silent and a brave soul decided to put their hand up.

"Yes? And before you ask, what is your name?"


"Okay, Lee, what is your question?"

"How old are you?"

"Venticinque." he replied in amusement, "Next question?"

  Oh, so he's twenty-five! I shook my head, he can't be that young. Someone else raised their hand and he smiled, picking on them.

"What is your name?"


"Okay, Angie, what is your question?"

"What does that mean?" she asked.

"What does what mean?"

"Your response to Lee."

"Oh, venticinque?" he said smugly, "You'll find out next week. Now, everyone take out your books. We're going to do introductions this week."

  He walked over to his desk and took out markers from a drawer. He walked back to his board without sparing me a glance. After 10 minutes of him writing, he put the marker down and faced the class.

"Copy this down. Next class, we will go over it and the pronunciations."

  I looked at the board and rolled my eyes.

Buon giorno
bwon zhor-no
Hello / Good morning/afternoon

Buona sera
bwoh-nah seh-rah
Good evening

Buona notte
bwoh-nah noht-teh
Good night

Hi / Hello / Bye (informal)


Goodbye (formal)

"What, do you know this or something?" he asked, walking towards me.

"Um, no..." I mumbled.

"Oh? Then why aren't you copying this down?"


"It's okay, Stripper Girl. You proved you knew Italian when you gave me a lap dance."

  Pissed off, I ignored him for the rest of the class.

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