Chapter Twenty-Eight

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Hey guys <3 I was only fucking around with you, it was April Fools Day! S-so don't h-hate me :D.. I didn't expect to get those responses, in fact, I didn't expect any at all. But I do apologise for not updating last week. Though this doesn't really make up, here's a pretty lengthy chapter! I mean... I usually upload 3 pages... but this is like, what 4 or 5... ._. I love you guys .__.

Everything was perfect. Miguel took the news surprisingly... well. I couldn't even believe the words that came out of my mouth. We held each other in a comfortable silence. I put my nose in the crook of his neck and noticed his scent changed. I'm guessing he's using new cologne. I sighed and closed my eyes.

"Did you find it?" he whispered.

"Find what?"

He chuckled and shook his head. Then, I pulled back from him with a scowl on my face.

Miguel let go of my face and sighed. He then slid his hands into my pockets and took them out. I gave him a questioning look, but he only looked away.

"It was you!" I said lightly punching his chest.

"Ow." he said with a chuckle, "You needed it."

I shoved my hand in my pocket and took out the neatly bundled bills.

"Take it back."

"No can do, Suzy."



He smiled and kissed my forehead.

"Class will start soon."

I had a weird feeling of deja vu and shook it off. Kissing his cheek, I walked out of his classroom with a wide smile on my face. At the end of the day, I headed straight home. As I climbed the stairs to the second floor, my mouth nearly dropped to the floor.

"Nobody's coming anymore."

The keys in my hand trembled and I tried to turn around.

"Suzy." she ran down to me, "Suzy, stop."

"Get away from me, Lucy!" I yelled, my eyes widened.



"People will open their doors, be quiet..." she whispered.

"No, I'm tired of people like you!" I screamed as I grabbed her torso and sent her flying down the stairs.

I mean, even if it's five steps.. it's still down the stairs.

I ran up the stairs and into my apartment. I closed the door and locked it. No less than ten seconds later, she was banging on my door.

"Suzy, I know you're leaning on the door."

My stomach felt as if it was stuck in my throat.

"I have a preposition for you." her voice bellowed, "We've been losing customers the week after you left. The club's like a ghost town and I'm losing money."

I resisted opening the door and shouting I don't give a flying fuck, but I stayed put.

"So if you come back, whatever you make will be doubled. If you make $500... you'll get $1,000."

I lowly gasped and began to think. She sexually assaulted me, would I want to go back to that? But then again, Miguel and the twins promised to take care of me. But it's not like I want their money, I don't want to be in debt to anyone.

I looked through the peep hole to see her still there. She waited patiently and I frowned. I can't do it, but then again, I need the money. The rent's due next week and I only have a couple of dollars left to feed me. Then I have the two thousand dollars Miguel gave me, but that won't last long.

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