Chapter Thirteen

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"Okay everyone, please hand in your papers."

Miguel got up from his desk and began to collect the papers. He gave me a quick glance and walked past my desk. He still never gave me a quiz, I have a feeling he's going to fail me. I looked over at Guadalupe who looked away from him when she handed in her paper. He chuckled and went to the next person. This asshole, look at him. Does he not have shame?

I closed my eyes and put my head on my desk. I felt my eyes droop and decided to fall asleep. Before I could even sigh and release my stress, someone began to bang on my desk. I groaned and looked up to see Miguel scowling at me.

"Che cazzo stai facendo?*" he hissed.

"Che cazzo fai?!*" I hissed back, my eyes narrowed. "Vaffanculo!*"

"What are they saying?" I heard someone whisper.

"Your accent is terrible, it almost makes me want to laugh." he said with a straight face.

"You can barely speak English, you should be the last person talking about accents." I replied cooly.

I heard many gasps and smirked when his lip twitched in annoyance.

"What's wrong, cat got yo-"

I jumped when both of his hands slammed on my desk.

"Don't ever speak to me like that in my class."

His blue eyes, actually dark blue right now, glared at me. Goosebumps began to mask my skin and I tried my best to keep my straight face. Actually, he started to scare me now. His eyes narrowed and his face came closer to mine.

His gaze went from my eyes to my lips and back to my eyes. The classroom was deathly silent and I made sure not to break my gaze. He smirked at me and looked down at my lips again.

"Amore mio." he whispered, his tongue roll making the butterflies in my stomach act up, "Sono tutto tua... baciami?"

His light chuckle broke the silence and he smirked at me. He looked up at the class and replaced his smirk with a smile. As soon as he turned his back and walked over to the board, a sweat drop slid down the side of my face. Why am I blushing, holy fucking shit. I looked down and began to wipe at my face and wipe the sweat away.

I caught glances of girls glaring at me and rolled my eyes. Come on, you're seriously jealous? Ain't nobody got time fo' 'dat! I can't believe what he said though... I looked down and began to smile like a Cheshire cat. Can you believe it? His Italian is killing me softly, I'm not sure if I can take it anymore.

The classroom felt like it was on fire. I didn't realize he was even talking until Camilo tapped my shoulder and pointed at Miguel. I looked at him and wiped my sweat. Ugh, my heart is racing so much! Just those simple words got me worked up like this! I cannot believe this, I can't make him think he has power over me because of this.


As soon as class was over, I tried to leave first but he wouldn't allow it. Why does this always happen? The last person left and he closed the door behind them.

"Miguel, let me leave." I begged.

"How did you feel, amore mio?" he said with a smirk.

I tried to push past him but he only grabbed my arms.

"Amore mio." he said this time with the tongue roll, "Want me to say it again like that? I love your facial expression when I say it with the tongue roll. Amore mio, amore mio, amore mio."

How to get an A [TeacherxStudent] .:COMPLETE:.Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora