Chapter Nineteen

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"Who is he?" I asked with a raised eyebrow.

Miguel only stayed silent. I frowned and waved my hand in front of his face. Still, he stayed silent. I don't understand, who is the guy with the red hair and green eyes?

"That person is my little brother." he mumbled, "He most likely ran away to look for me."

"Wait.. what?"


"Dante Romano?"

"Dante Alphonse-Ricci Romano."

"Why the hell is his name so long?"

"Why isn't it?"

"Touche, but Miguel, why did he come here in the first place?" 

"He ran away. He told me if I were to go to the Americas, he would find me."

"That is so cool." I whisper-shouted, "Why are you upset?"

"Because he most likely had my father's agents change everything for him. Che palle..."

"What does that mean?"

"What does what mean?"

"Che palle."

"Oh, it's like... it's something to use when you're annoyed. It's slang for a pain in the ass."

"Oh, Miguel is my teacher for this class. Che palle."

"This is serious." he said with a sigh, "It's possible my father may want me to return with him."

"Oh come on, it can't be that serious."

"What annoys me is that it is that serious. My father doesn't play around... he must've found out that Dante left already. Ahh, this is so annoying."  he said frustratedly, "I have to go look for him. He's somewhere in this school."

As soon as he got up, the sound of the door opening caught me off guard. I looked to the direction and the class got silent. There stood Miguel's brother, sweat cascading down his forehead.

"Fratellone!" he laughed. 

Okay, so that means older brother... Suddenly, Miguel's face turned red. He approached his brother and in an instant, bitch smacked him in the face. Everyone in the class gasped. Then, Miguel began to speak Italian so fast, I didn't catch a single word he said. His brother simply bowed his head. When he was done, Dante sighed and shook his head.

"I look for you." he said in simple English.

"Parli italiano?!" yelled Miguel.

Dante stayed silent and Miguel pinched his nose bridge. 

"Miguel." I whispered, glancing behind me and then back him, "I think you should stop."

"He knows he shouldn't have done this." he said angrily, "Because of this dumb ass I might have to go to Italy."

"But he came for you for a reason."

Miguel turned back to his brother and sarcastically laughed.

"Ma, che sei grullo?!"

Dante shook his head, still looking down. After Miguel exchanged some more words with him, Dante went to go sit at his desk. Miguel faced the class and sighed.

"Everyone, I am sorry. This right here is my idiot younger brother."

"Is he single? Single and gay?" someone yelled.

"Is that all people ask? My goodness."

The class laughed and Miguel smiled.

"Please excuse me and the bitch slap."

How to get an A [TeacherxStudent] .:COMPLETE:.जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें