Chapter Twenty-Seven

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The next day

I lazily plopped down at the table. I was we'll aware that my hair was in a mess and I looked like I've been to hell and back.

"Question." said Cole, his eyes fixed on his bowl of cereal, "Are you going to tell Romano about... yesterday?"

"I have to." I mumbled, "He'll eventually find out."

"And if he says anything?"

"He won't." I said with determination laced in my voice, "He wanted to kill him anyway."

"You say it so casually."

"It's because I've accepted it." I muttered, "I have no choice, why should I keep on having this guilt? It's not like he was killed without a reason."

"Welcome back, Suzy."

He looked up at me and smiled,

"It took you long enough."

"Oh shut up, you know how I feel about death."

He nodded and took another spoonful of his cereal. I glanced at the time. 5:47.

"Must you wake me up so early?"

"Hey, you should be used to it by now."

"Aw, but still! I end up falling asleep quickly during class."

"You have to change that."

I yawned and nodded. He gave me an annoyed look as he yawned. Down the hall, we heard someone yawning.

"God damn it!" we heard from down the hall.

Cole and I laughed at Bryce when he entered the room.

"I extremely hate that yawning is contagious." he muttered, "Even the sound of it can make you yawn. Bullshit."

He stretched and sat down with us at the table. I took a spoonful of my cereal and put it in my mouth.

"Thank you." I mumbled, slurping my spoon.

"For what?" they both said in sync.

"For being good friends, I don't know what I would do without you two."

Cole smiled and Bryce rolled his eyes.

"We'll always be there for you." said Cole, "Always."

I nodded and gave them both a smile.

"We'll, let'a get going!" I said as I took the last bite.

"Suzy, it's only 5:55!"

"Hehe, 555."

"Oh shut up."

We all smiled and got up. I went into my room and took a long shower. When I was done, I went back into the room. Getting ready, I looked in the mirror and frowned at my hair. I miss the orange and red, I think it fit me more than black. The black is starting to fade, so I guess I can wait.

I put on a yellow hoodie, black pants and converses. I looked into the mirror and combed my hair out a little, putting it into a high ponytail. I grabbed my jacket and went back downstairs. Even after the time I wasted, it was only 7:00.

"Suzy!" I heard from down the hall, "Ready?"

"Yeah!" I yelled.

The twins came in my sight and I smiled. They both grabbed their jackets and walked past me, opening the door and holding it.

I walked past them and breathed in the cold November air.

"December is right around the corner, what are you doing for Christmas?" asked Bryce.

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