Chapter Thirty-Two

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I'm really sorry for the extremely late upload, guys. Things have been going on in my life, and well, it kept me from updating. My phone was taken away about a month ago, so it was really hard to rewrite this chapter. It's bad enough that everything was on my phone, so I had to rewrite this. It took a long time, but I'm happy to present the last chapter. I'm sorry it's not detailed because I was rushing to finish and remember everything, but I hope you all enjoy. Also, the picture to the right is Suzy's dress. Goodness, it kills me to put that little check for completed. I love you all, and thank you for reading How To Get An A

"The tan fits you well." I complimented.

"Thank you." replied Brian, his hand carressing mine, "What are you going to wear to prom?"

"Hm, I was thinking white and black."

"Phew." he sighed, "That's the only colors I have."

"Perfect!"I said hugging him, "Yesterday when I went to the mall with the girls, I saw this really cute dress that was really cheap."

"How much?"

"Oh goodness, don't even start." I muttered.

"I'll buy it for you."

"Ugh Mig..."

I flinched and looked at Brian. He raised an eyebrow at me and I sighed.

"I'm sorry." I muttered, "I still miss him."

"It's okay." he replied, "I miss Latoya at times, but then I look at you and all thoughts of her disappear."

"You're so sweet."

."And good at video games."

"Bitch please!" I yelled, "I head shot you in Halo yesterday."

"Don't tell anyone that..." he muttered, "Anyways, I have the masquerades already."

"It's a good thing they're black and white as well."

"Right?" he said with a chuckle, "I heard you got accepted into Boston University."

I nodded and sighed.

"It's going to be a lot of money, but I'm saving up."

"But your parents?"

"...They're out of town."

"Ah, no prob, so's my dad."

I nodded and we both sat in a comfortable silence.

Prom night

I was able to afford the black and white dress I wanted. I thought it was gorgeous, the store clerk was nice enough to take $50 off of it, so it was $100. I just finished paying my bills, so it was hard to scrape up money for it. I put on black stocking and black flats. Last night, I dyed my hair red again so I thought I looked pretty good. I put my hair in a messy bun and heard a knock at my door. Smiling in the mirror, I turned off all the lights and got the door.

"Wow." said Brian.

"You look very handsome." I complimented.

He gave me his arm and I locked the door behind me. Taking it, we walked downstairs. Brian drove us to my school. Since he doesn't really like his school, he decided my school would be better. We were on the roof, and I must say, the sophomore and juniors did a great job. There was a light breeze and soft tango music playing. I looked around to see if I knew anyone, but then again, it's hard to do that when everyone's wearing a masquerade. 

How to get an A [TeacherxStudent] .:COMPLETE:.Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant