Red's Basket

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As the sun set and nighttime surrounded Tang Valley, Evah and Nina each took a swig of their drinks.

"Wow, these are really good," Nina said "especially after a full day of walking around."

After a long week, Nina thought it was best that she officially get a tour of the town. And she thought of no one better to give her a tour than Evah.

"Yeah, well don't forget that. Red's Basket is the best diner in town," Evah replied as she took another drink.

"I'm glad you were the one to give me a tour."

Evah raised an eyebrow at her. "You had someone else in mind?"

"I made a friend that goes to the university actually. He offered, but I'm pretty sure he's occupied right now with..studies." Nina's mind brought back his previous activity the last time they had talked and shuddered at the thought.

"Well maybe we can all hang out another time," Evah suggested.

Nina smiled. "I'd like that."

A waiter arrived at the table with their plates of food. With a shaking hand he handed a burger and fries to Evah and a bowl of macaroni and cheese to Nina. He looked down nervously.

"W-will that be all for you l-ladies?" he stuttered. His hand twitched and for a second he woged into mauzhertz. He shook his head and looked up again.

"I think we're good here, thank you,"she said.

He nodded and then hurried off. Nina looked over at Evah with a confused look.

"This bar is practically a wesen hotspot. I'm sure once you grab another case you and your partner will have no trouble finding your guy if you check in here once in awhile."

"Thanks for the tip, but hopefully I still have enough time to get familiar with the town. Plus, I'm sure it'll be awhile before I find a suitable partner."

Evah, who had already started on her food, now looked at her confused. "I thought you already had a partner? Big guy, white, bald, looks like he eats a lot of those doughnuts."

Nina choked as she realized who Evah was describing. "That-that man is not my partner. Officer Bolander practically hates me for taking this position when he thinks it should've been him. Besides, I'm pretty sure he's also voicing other people's thoughts from the precinct. As the youngest, I'm pretty much an outcast there."

Evah frowned. "And here I thought the main precinct was all doughnuts and kumbaya."

Nina frowned at how it felt exactly the opposite, but shrugged off the thought quickly.

"What about your life, Evah? Did your brothers ever worry about you when you got home?"

Evah shrugged. "The thing about my family is that we'll know when something is wrong. They know I can handle anything. Hopefully one day you can meet them."

"Really? You'd want me, a grimm, to meet your family of blutbad's?"

"Trust me, once they get to know you, and I do some explaining.. you'll fit right in," Evah assured.

They shared a laugh then Evah held up her drink. "Here's to new and strange friendships."

"Well, who wouldn't drink to that." Nina raised her drink as well. As they both took a sip, they dug into their food and happily conversed.

Meanwhile in the distance, a figure approached from behind a bush. The figure watched as Nina and Evah ate their food.

The corner of their eye twitched as they focused on Nina smiling. Their hands balled into fists as white hot anger burned through their chest.

They walked forward onto the sidewalk so they were directly across from the diner. Their black boots were high up to their ankles and were large enough to carry her extra knives. Their ripped jeans were stained with mud, yet still paired nicely with the black long sleeve. Around their belt were more weapons of different varieties.

They watched Nina attentively as a million thoughts ran through their head. Finally, they moved a piece of their long brown hair out from their face.

"Your mommy couldn't hide you for long," she said. She began to walk back into hiding. She gave Nina a final smirk, that meant for nothing but trouble.

"See you around, sissy."

At that, she disappeared into the night. The street was quiet once more.

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