2. It was to late

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I tap my finger to the song playing on the radio. I still don't know where Zayn is taking me.

"You really do look beautiful tonight"
I look to see Zayn staring at me not even paying attention to how he's driving.

"Zayn you should be focusing on the rode!" I say giving him a little slap on the shoulder.

"I'm sorry." He says with a little laugh "I have something to tell you tonigh-"

He stopped mid sentence. He threw his arm over my chest, I looked forward and saw a car stopped in the rode. Zayn slammed his brakes but...it was to late.


I woke up to see flashing lights everywhere. I felt blood dripping from my head and felt dizzy. Everything was blurry, all I seen was dots of colors.

"Zayn?" There was no response

"Zayn?!" I say a bit louder. I couldn't move to see if he was there.

The door opened and I was blinded by all the lights.
"Were gonna get you out of her ok? Whats you're name?"

"Jenette... Jenette Smith" I feel to weak to move or even speak. My eyes slowly start to close. I feel someone lifting me up and setting me on a stretcher. After that...well I don't exactly know what went on after that.

Weeks later

I decide to text Liam, my best friend, to catch up on everything that been going on back at home.


"Hey, what's up?"

"eh well Zayn hasn't woke up from the crash yet. The doctors said they don't know when or if they ever will:'("

"Jenette, I'm so sorry. He will wake up he has to!"

"I pray he does. I don't know what I would do without him,
how's everything going over there?"

"Well nothing is really the same without you. Everything is just so boring without your enthusiasm. Lol

"Aww do you miss me Liam, you're so sweet XD"

"Haha you're a dork!
Crap sorry I have to go, I'm meeting up with this girl I met at the mall. She fine af"


"haha sorry got to go"

I lock my phone wondering about this girl Liam is meeting. Are they dating? When and how did they meet? He just left me hanging and Liam never usually dates.

I had an instant mood change when I
looked at my dresser to see a picture of me and Zayn. My heart drops and my mind fills with only him. It's been weeks and he's still not better!


OH SNAP. Sorry if youre confused at all. Basically they had gotten into a car accident and Zayn went into a coma because he hit his head during the crash. And about 2 week later she talks to her best friend back in her home state Colorado. Everything will make more sense as you go on :) this is the kind of story that goes backwards.

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