The noise started to be heard from afar, whirling of the wind getting the attention of the people around him. The train was fast approaching and Ray straightened himself, ready to be aboard.

A violent push got Ray turning fast enough to catch a glimpse of the assailant, a hand reached to his long sleeves, grabbing the cloth harshly to get Ray back to his feet again, otherwise, he'd been railed by the train for falling on the tracks.

Ray clutched himself by the chest, nerves sparking on his veins as he almost died that very moment.

"No! No!" a familiar sound of a man yells, struggling against a person behind him.

"Violence is not the answer," a voice interrupts the man as he struggles against the grip restraining his hands.

"To your life problems sir."

Ray stares, it's the man he had fired a few hours ago. Who knew he would get back to him in such a way. Ray straightened himself, angered frown forming on his face before it morphs into surprise as Emma slides to the side, looking at Ray with a concerned smile.

"Are you okay Ray?"

Ray nods.

Emma said she takes the next train to get home and just happens to see the man approaching Ray suspiciously from behind. And that she just had the instinct of what would have happened.

"I thought you live on the opposite side of the city?" Ray says with a questioning gaze.

"Silly Ray, the second train brings you to the opposite side of the city," Emma answers with a laugh.



Ray worked for the same company for five more years, nobody spoke about the incident.

Then here he is, Ray, standing in front of his superiors, nervous. Sweat beading on his palms but he's a professional for a reason. Ray nailed his neutral expression in place.

"You're fired."

"What." Ray sputtered, more of a statement than a question. Almost daring the man in front of him to lay out all his reasons because this is bullshit.

"Look Ray," the CEO clasps his hands together and places them above the table. Why do people tend to do that when the situation becomes tense? Ray will never know.

"You're a gem to the company, a real talent honestly. But Ray, you are very hard to work with. I'm afraid I can't let people like you in my company any longer."

Oh. This guy is the newest CEO, barely even 21 years old and he's treating Ray like this.

"I'll get to the point Ray, my company isn't just about capability. To me, it's about compatibility and compromise. You must understand."

Ray left the office, more numb than he has ever been. Well whatever, they'll see that they threw away diamonds for pebbles.

Or so Ray thought because here he is wasted on liquor while the marketing company is still up and raising.

Perhaps drinking on dead hours of the night was the worst idea that ever crossed his mind but Ray is too dazed to think right now.

Ray stood up from the counter and made his way for the door, shaky legs moving forward. His eyes were blurry.

Still, Ray moved forward, the street despite being quiet and ghostly, looked as if it was buzzing with people due to how Ray hears his heartbeat in his ears.

Ray slumps and strays from the sidewalk. His figure dangerously swaying to the middle of the road. He's too drunk to notice the fast-approaching truck.

Frantic noises filled Ray's hearing more violently as the driver of the truck smashed the horn.

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