10. Too Much Unexpected Things In A Day

Start from the beginning

"How exactly are we gonna contact her? An owl would be too late and I don't think we can floo her," Kingsley questioned them remembering Perci from her stay at the Order Headquarters. He remembered her well. Ofcourse, with her knowledge far beyond her age and her determination to protect her loved ones, who could forget her?

"We got it. You got it, Fred?" George asked his twin with a smile.

"You betcha, George" Fred answered with a identical smile.

Others watched in confusion as one of the twins casted Agumenti and the other one did a Lumos and a rainbow formed in the early light. Fred took out a gold coin, it was too small to be a galleon and had a picture of a face alike to the sculptures of greek gods.

"What is that?" Bill asked his brother curiously as the coin was unlike from anything he had seen.

"A drachma," The dreamy voice of Luna answered.

"You mean the one the ancient greeks used? No way!" Hermione said incredulously.

"She told us so," Hermione just cocked her eyebrow disbelieving.

Fred took a deep breath and stated, "Oh Fleecy, do us a solid-"

"-show us Perci Jackson wherever she is" with that Fred threw the drachma into the rainbow and to everyone's surprise, it disappeared. For a moment, nothing was there and then a image slowly started to form.

Fred and George backed away from the mist and waved their hands dramatically with proud smirks. Everyone watched as the image sharpened. It was room with blue walls thad had seashells etched on it. There was a beautiful fountain on the corner which gave a calming glow in the night, it also had few coins in it which resembled drachmas. The room was what one would call 'an organized mess'.

The attention of the people was however focused on the figure on the bed which was taking steady deep breaths. Their face was obscured by a curtain of dark hair. She - as everyone had assumed - had her head in her hands as she took deep breaths calming herself down.

"Perci..." Fred called out tentatively.

She whipped her head towards the Iris-message as she took a pen in her hand lightning fast. Everyone got a good look at her. She was wearing an orange shirt and a pair of blue ripped jeans. She was pretty, no doubt about that but she was not in her best shape, yet her sea green eyes shone with happiness and her face lighted up as her face broke out in a wide smile. She was thin which made her cheekbones much more prominent and she had few faded scars cris-crossing her face though they just made her fierce.

"Fred! George! How are you guys?" She called out happily.

"Uh...not in the best situation," They answered.

Her smile turned into a frown as she took in the situation. The students and teachers were gathered in the Great Hall. They looked scared of something and few even had tear stains on their cheeks.

"Nobody calls me to say hello," she muttered to herself though everyone heard it.

She took a deep breath. Everyone watched as she wiped all the emotions from her face and put on an indifferent mask. Her eyes shone with determination and authority. They saw what she truly was. A war hardened soldier.

"What's the problem?" She asked, the mirth from before had vanished.

"Well to start with, there are the death eaters-"


"-and an army of monsters?" Percy finished for her best friends.

The eyes of the occupants of the hall widened at her correct answer. Though, the twins didn't even bat a lash as they knew she had a way of knowing things.

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