5.Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore knows everything!

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September 1991, Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

Perci was more than happy to be back in Hogwarts, her first home. She admired the architecture yet again but now in the eyes of an architect. Having somebody like Annabeth drilling facts into her mind all the time can even make Perci remember something about architecture.

A certain Weasley twin was looking at her sea green eyes examining every nook and corner of the castle with a feeling of nostalgia. He knew that she loved this place as her home. But something was...different about her. She has always been carefree but she was protective of her friends and family. She always scanned the places before she relaxes and leaves others inside. All those times she had been unsure who the threat was but now she seemed sure of it. So she was a bit relaxed. A bit. However he was determined to make her life easy.

The other Weasley twin however was oblivious to these things. He shared his concerns about Perci with him but now he was just teasing his twin that he was just staring at her.

Everyone took their seats at the Great Hall. Perci and the twins gave a mock bow to Percy as he was the prefect to which they got annoyed looks and laughter from the crowd.

Atlast, after the sorting and Dumbledore's speech in which he specifically pointed to the trio in return he got innocent looks from them, the dinner started.

Everyone got to know of each other and about the school. Of course they got to know about the troublemaker trio, how they prank everyone including Peeves the Poltergeist and Dumbledore himself though they are really entertaining and light hearted and they are helpful and friendly to everyone despite their houses.

Perci and the twins were planning for their upcoming pranks on their way to the common room. Professor McGonagall approached them.

"Miss Jackson? Professor Dumbledore would like to see you," She called.

Perci looked like a deer caught in lights. The twins snickered. Perci groaned.

"Perci..." The prefect of Gryffindor started.

Despite the situation Perci mock saluted and said, "Yes sir!" Few laughs were heard.

The new prefect wasn't finished. "What did you do this time Perci?"

"Um..I didn't do anything except the prank on the seventh years but I didn't do anything to Professor Dumbledore or that I know of..." She herself wasn't sure. She didn't even flinch under the glares of the seventh years and Percy. But however she could feel Professor McGonagall's burning gaze.

"Dumbledore will be waiting!" She announced trying to escape this situation.

She sent 'I'll be fine' look to the twins questioning glances that whether they should follow her with invisibility spells.

Perci made her way to the headmaster's office. To others it may seem like a carefree girl just walking without a care in the world humming a random tune but in reality, her mind was working a million miles per hour thinking of the possible reasons for what she would be called to the headmaster's office.

She entered the ever similar room by hearing "Come in" from Albus Dumbledore himself after knocking of course.

"So, have a seat Ms.Jackson, daughter of Poseidon," Professor Dumbledore said casually with that mischievous twinkle in his eyes.

Perci wasn't surprised. This has been one of her hypothesis. She just smiled and took her seat across the table.

"Thank you Professor. So, it is true that Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore knows everything, huh?" She asked slightly amused.

Professor Dumbledore had always found Perci amusing and surprising. Even though, there has been a lot of students in Hogwarts none has pranked him, been so friendly to all the houses without any differences or has seen anyone with this much bravery, loyalty, care for her friends and ofcourse sass and sarcasm. He wasn't surprised to see this reaction, just amused.

"I expected this kind of response,"

"Well, Chiron did mention a Albus Dumbledore but I never knew it will be you!" was her sarcastic response.

He merely chuckled.

"So, as you know everything, I hope that you will excuse my absence and will allow me to return to camp when I am needed there?" She asked getting right to point.

"Getting right to the point, I see?"

"Yep. I'm a bit tired."

He nodded. It must be difficult being a witch and a demigod a rather powerful one.

"For your question Ms.Jackson, yes you will be excused for your absence and you will sent there through floo system when you are needed there"

She smiled at him. "Thank you Professor"

He returned her the smile. "You are dismissed now Perci. Good luck! I assume that you have already seen your god brother and that you know that his life won't be easy?"

She sighed. "Yes Professor. Looks like life at Hogwarts is gonna get interesting. Well, assuming my luck it's not gonna be easy. For now goodnight Professor!"

He bid her goodnight and good luck again. She stood up and made her way to the door.

Perci remembered an important thing. "Professor, I also need to be excused when I'm summoned at the American Ministry of Magic."

Professor Dumbledore raised an eyebrow, "American Ministry of Magic?"

"I ran into the employees of the American Ministry of Magic last summer and they needed some reinforcements and I helped them. Now, I am an official employee there under another name of course," She said remembering her meeting with the Scammanders.

Professor Dumbledore was surprised. He wasn't surprised that Perci helped. He has seen the potential of her, the best of her year and with practice, she would become the best one ever. He just wondered how much power she must have exhibited for her to join the Ministry even though she was just twelve.

"And which name is that?" Curiosity won over his surprise.

Percy did her signature smirk. Her mischievous lopsided grin which made teachers to put her in troublemakers' category. "That is for you to find out Professor. For now goodnight Professor!" She exited the door.

Professor Dumbledore merely chuckled. He loves riddles and there hadn't been an interesting puzzle like Perci Jackson for years. He is going to have a hard time solving it but he is going to thoroughly enjoy it.

Perci made her way to the Gryffindor common room with one thought in mind.

'If my life is gonna mean anything, I'll have to live it.'

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