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"Journalism is organized gossip."
- Edward Eggleston

"Why would she need you?" Rita had left Athene's shop with the promise of returning in a couple of hours so that the pair could apparate to Hogwarts, and now, Athene had to deal with the mood that Enya was in.

"I appreciate that," Athene fell onto her bed, "I like to feel important or, you know, needed."

"Sorry," Enya sat criss-cross on the bed next to Athene, "It's just that that lady always has some devious plan that ends up with someone being hurt."

"I know," Athene may not have stayed up to date on the news, but she knew that her aunt wasn't the kindest with her articles, "What do you know of this tournament thing, anyway?"

Enya fell back against the pillows and sighed, "It's this huge thing. They did it back when my cousins were still in school; you know the supper weird ones?"

"What's so special about?" Athene rolled onto her side so that she could look at Enya, "It's just some stupid competition."

"Nah," Enya looked into her lap, "Beck talked about it once - back before he completely shut down - and it wasn't just the competition. It destroyed the competitors. Each task was something harder, something much more dangerous than the last. Losing meant certain death, whether it be by the task itself or the humiliation that followed."

"Merlin's beard," Athene stared at a thread on her comforter, "Why would they have anyone, let alone children, participate in such an event?"

"I don't know," Enya looked Athene in the eyes, "But the last time that they did this, someone died."

Apparating was always an uncomfortable experience for Athene. That was why she tried to avoid it at all costs, but the expense and the time that it would take to get from London to Hogwarts wasn't an option. So when she grabbed onto her aunt's hand, she squeezed her eyes shut and prayed that this would be a short one.

"Ah," an old voice, one that Athene distinctly remembered from her days as a student, forced her eyes open, "Miss Skeeter, Miss Atkinson, how nice it is to see you."

The halls of Hogwarts hadn't changed since 1991. The warmth and the familial feeling that filled Athene's chest was a welcome effect, and she couldn't have been happier that she had agreed to come with Rita.

"It's a pleasure to be here, Headmaster," Rita's voice seemed out of place in the grand hallway, "Where will we be conducting the interview?"

"Right this way, Miss Skeeter," with a great swoop of his robes, Dumbledore led the way to a decent sized room in the castle where there were several chairs and tables set about. Athene had never been apart of an interview, but she assumed that this would be the perfect set up for one. "Is this to your liking?"

Athene watched as her aunt sized up the room, taking note of Rita's lingering glance at the broom cupboard, "Yes, indeed."

"It is very nice to see you again, Miss Atkinson," Dumbledore turned his attention away from the journalist, "I've heard that your bookshop has done quite well."

"Thank you, Headmaster," Athene blushed at the compliment, "She's certainly doing a lot better than I expected."

"Athene," Rita's voice echoed through the steep arches and pulled her away from the retreating headmaster, "Why don't you set up the camera?"

Athene politely nodded to her elder and made her way over to the large camera boxes that Rita had pointed to. She had never set up a magical camera before as she had never had a reason to, so she reasoned that this would be an excellent learning opportunity.

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