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"One loyal friend is worth more than a thousand fake ones."
- Unknown

"The old hag made another suggestion?" Enya Miller was sat on a counter in Epeolatry and ignored the glare that Athene sent her as she dusted the countertop, "I would have thought that she would have stopped that after you rejected her the tenth time."

Athene couldn't help but snicker at the thought. If there was one thing that was true, it was that Margarete did not give up, even when she had lost too many times. "Don't patronize my customers," Athene flicked the dust rag at the girl, "They're doing a better job as my wingwoman than you are."

"Do you not remember that time in sixth year, where I tried to set you up on a date with Charlie Weasley?" Enya hopped down from the counter so that Athene could wipe the surface clean.

"You mean the time after you destroyed Gryffindor's quidditch team, and you wanted to rub it in his face?" Athene smiled as her first customer of the day walked through the door before turning back to her Slytherin friend, "And then, once you had said your share, you threw me under the bus?"

"I was just trying to get you a date with a hot guy," Enya shrugged as though she could hardly remember running from Charlie Weasley while he tried to hex her.

"You tried to get us killed," Athene snorted quite unattractively. She couldn't remember a time where it wasn't just the two of them causing a ruckus. They had met during their second year when Athene's friends kicked her out of their carriage. Her friends hadn't believed her when she told them of the horse-like creatures that pulled the carriages, and they had immediately deemed her a delusional freak. Enya had been able to see them too, and so, the girls joined together for the carriage ride and also the rest of their magical careers.

"I hear he's back in town," Enya tried to look nonchalant, but she was very clearly staring at Athene out of the corner of her eye.

"Really?" Athene's heart fluttered and she smiled. But she was quick to cover it up when she saw the victorious smirk on Enya's face. "And that has any importance because?"

"I don't know. I just think that you should be prepared for him to finally take you up on that offer." Enya smiled innocently as Bathsheba slowly approached the counter with several of Epeolatry's older selections. The older woman had to be nearing 107, and she showed it. Her hair fell in soft grey curls, and her face was covered in wrinkles. Back in the day, she was considered to be one of the most talented witches that the Wizarding World had ever seen. Now, she just had trouble hearing things and had an unusual obsession with old books.

"Good morning," Athene chirped and took the load of books from Bathsheba's arms, "Did you find everything that you were looking for?"

"Yes, quite," Bathsheba trembled and clutched at the counter before she could topple over, "I have noticed that your selection on dragonlore is a bit lacking."

Athene smiled; there was always something that Bathsheba was looking for that wasn't in her little shop. "Are there any specific books you'd like on the subject?"

The older woman's shaking hands carefully picked up the plastic bag containing her books, "No, I trust your judgment."

"You gonna order some books about dragons?" Enya jumped back up on the counter once Bathsheba was out of sight.

"You know that I can't upset one of my customers," Athene dug around one of her own shelves until she found the Magical Wilds Books catalog. "I've gotten all sorts of business thanks to Bathsheba's advice, and it would be silly of me to stop listening now."

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