Chapter 46: Rumors

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Chapter 46: Rumors

I was shocked with what Mark showed me. There were pictures while we were on the airport in Korea. Some were even showing how close we are to each other but no pictures showing us holding hands.

I immediately scrolled down to look at the article.

A camera caught 15& Rhianne and GOT7 Mark together on flight 512GYSO Korea to Philippines. It has been rumored before that GOT7 Mark has this intimate feeling to his co-star and co-artist 15& Rhianne. And now, we can see clearly that it is really them.


JYP Entertainment hasn’t release any official statements about this. They are expected to return to the country evening today.



“What should we say?” I asked him.

“It will depend on JYP’s decision.” Mark said.

AHHHH! What is happening now? Hey, I don’t want to lose my career right now. -_- I’m still new in the industry. Plus, I haven’t been one year in the industry.

Then Mark held my hand, “Just promise me that you won’t break up with me because of this issue.”

I am not answering anything.

“Promise me.” he said.

“I promise.” I said.

“We’ll be together till the end. Even if it breaks my career right now, I don’t care.” he said.

“Yah, I don’t want to be the reason why you lost your fame.” I told Mark.

“Just don’t break up with me and everything will be fine.” he said.

I don’t know what to say anymore. I mean, the issue is all over the world. I don’t know how will I handle this.

I handed Mark his phone. I think he’s reading the article.

What are we going to do Rhianne? I don’t want to get bashed. My heart won’t be able to handle it.

I looked at Mark and now he’s smiling. Aren’t you alarmed with it? I mean, your years of training might end in a blink of an eye.

“Aren’t you alarmed with it?” I said.

He looked at me and smiled, “They like it.”

“What?” I said.

“I said, the fans like it. Although there were some people who don’t want it but it’s now trending on twitter. Look.” he said then he handed me his phone.

Way Back Home (Mark Tuan - GOT7 Fanfic)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें