Chapter 4: Lack of Feeling

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Chapter 4: Lack of Feeling

1 week has passed and I still can’t find the perfect feeling for the song I have chosen to perform on our first monthly evaluation. It may be the easiest task but I guess it will still be difficult for me since I have never experience a happy love story.

“Rhianne-a, let’s go now.” C told me.

I rose up today feeling very gloomy. Haay.

I entered our session hall and saw my co-trainee there, looks like they are tensed.

“Yah, what is going on? Why everybody looks tensed?” I asked one of my co-trainees.

“Didn’t you know? JYP will be the one who’ll be mentoring us today.” she answered.

Oh, so that’s why everybody seemed to be a little nervous. But I think they shouldn’t be. Just relax and just be who they are. JYP is a strict person when it comes to performances and passion but he is kind.

“Good morning everyone!” JYP entered the session hall.

We bowed down and greeted him as well.

“Seems like everybody is looking good today, huh? Okay. So for today, I’ll be the one handling the session. I know you all are already preparing for the upcoming evaluation right? Hye Sung, what are you gonna do?”

“Ahm, I’m going to dance sir.” she said.

“Ui Bong?” JYP asked.

“I’m going to dance too.” he answered.

“Ahm, ah, Rhianne, what are you going to do?” he asked me.

“Ahm, I’m going to sing while playing the guitar.” I said.

“All of you are going to perform a solo act on stage. In every performance, what do you think is the main thing that should be seen in your performance? Anyone?” Not even one was raising their hand. Until…

“Yes you.” JYP pointed at Hee Young.

“The talent?” she said.

“The talent? Maybe. Probably. Anyone else?” he asked.

“I think it’s the feeling” I whispered to myself.

“Rhianne? Are you saying something?” He heard me. Yeah right.

“Ahm, I think it’s the feeling or how the person on the stage delivers the song well, whether it’s dancing or singing.”

“Correct. It’s the feeling. That’s what the people is looking for, how well did you portray the meaning of the song. And that is what I’m going to teach you now.” he said.

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