Teach Me How to Love Part 4

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"Thanks fake Peridot." Steven said as he poofed the image away. "Oh. So what about when...its in the mouth?" Spinel asked. "Nothing, but I just wanted you to be aware of it before...yoy know."

"Well that's good to know! Can I have a taste?"

"Sure. Knock yourself out. Not literally, though. But I bet it tastes good."

"Alright. Spinel still on her knees, had scooped up a bit of the seed with her index finger, as she then slowly pit it in her mouth. Once it was inside, Spinel sat still for 3 seconds. Eyes lighting up with joyous stars, she spoke, "It's. So. Delicous!" This is unlike everything that I've tasted today!" Steven replied, "Is it really that good?"

"Yes, in fact, I'm gonna eat some more!" So Spinel had stretched out herhand out to be wide. Then she scooped up ALL of the cream at once, devoring it till the last drop. After finishing her "meal of cream" she finally stod up with such excitement, then suddenly: POOF! Right before Steven's eyes......

You're Better with Me: Spinel X Steven (ft. Peridot X Me (Blue Topaz)) Prt. 1Where stories live. Discover now