A Surprise That's Inside Part 2

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Peridot and Lapis quickly ran in the living room as they saw that there was only Steven, Pearl, and Garnet. "Where's Amythest?" Lapis asked. "S-s-s-she's under the couch, with *whispers* the monster." Steven replied.

"You have to help her, we tried but...we can't do it!" Pearl says

"Please Peridot and Lapis, you're r only hope!" Garnet added

"Right!" Peridot & Lapis shouted at the same time.

Peridot had squeezed through under the couch. Lapis had also tried too squeeze in to, and when they did, they had felt a hand and had heard a monsterous noise with pulling.

"Pull her outta there! Fast" Lapis says"


They grunted and grunted, pulled and pulled with their eyes closing. When the finally pulled the person out...it turned out 2 b.....Blue Topaz! Me! "Surprise!" I said.

Peridot quickly ran and hugged me with tears in both of our eyes. "I really missed you, Peridot." "Me too. Wait, how are even here right now? Wait a minute, if u weren't Amythest, then this was a trick! Curse you Steven!" "Hey, at least you have Blue Topaz back." "Oh right." Peridot says as she holds my hand. Amythest walks in the room. "What up P-dot, you missed your Lil Blue? Well now u got her and now you can--" "Ok, Amythest, no need to explain. Let's have a party to celebrate!" "Don't forget to have fun." Garnet replied. "Awww you guyz...you dont really have to." "But u want to. You deserve it. You deserve all the love from us." Tears had came within my eyes as I hugged Steven.  When I stopped hugging Steven, I went back towards Peridot as I put my hand around her shouler and said, "Let's partaaayyyy!!!!!!"

You're Better with Me: Spinel X Steven (ft. Peridot X Me (Blue Topaz)) Prt. 1Where stories live. Discover now