Stronger by the hour

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The next day

The group seemed persistent to get me out of the hackerspace, they'd planned an outing of some sort but I was nervous as I'd have to be on crutches the whole time. Somehow Ray had managed to get ahold of a 'assistance dog' harness for Angel so he wouldn't be left behind anywhere, I was concerned at where he got it from but as he didn't ask why I'd moved all my dog stuff from my old apartment to Wrench's, I wasn't gonna ask either . All I knew is that we were headed to the park...all of us.

I didn't have enough time to bleach and dye my hair so I guessed I'd just be going out brunette which i despised but maybe this would be some kind of closure? Really saying goodbye to 'Sydney Harris'? Stepping back into her body instead of mine, a more advanced version of what I was that night...she had earned this, to stand proudly in the k it mirror and say 'this is who I am'

I shoved my painkillers into my bag along with dog treats, leash and essentials like my phone and a water bottle even though Marcus had said we were eating out. My fingers toyed with my hair in the mirror as my irritation grew "why can't you just work with me!?" I heard a whine from the corner of the room turning to see the white mop on the floor staring at me "not you, this shit on my head called hair"

I ran a hand through it in annoyance, Wrench was still in bed as I threw a water bottle at him "c'mon, Sitara says we're leaving in about an hour" his eyebrows shot sky high as he saw me willingly in a skirt "you're wearing...a skirt?"I threw his jacket at him "sorry if I can't walk around in lace all the time" I tried not to laugh at my own remark as the boy cackled on the bed "you know I didn't mean it like that, you're normally more of a 'jeans and t shirt' kind of girl?" I nodded brushing down my outfit

"I guess I just want things to be back to normal, well 'normal' for us. Believe it or not, I used to be a weeb" he kissed my neck gently helping me embrace the new forced version of myself for the time, maybe this girl would be the person wrench was meant to be with? The one that stood in the mirror...completely different aesthetics, the nerd and the punk

"You still are!" I guess I didn't hide 'assassination classroom' as well as I thought I did? Oh well, it inspired self defence in me at a young age. Those cool moves and protagonist-like confidence like they could do or say anything and it would go their way! As a kid - that's who I wanted to be, invincible, someone who always seemed to fit in one way or another...I may not have ever found that fate, but I found one that's mine

As he started to finally get ready wearing his usual hoodie and jacket, I made my way down to the main hackerspace with Angel at my side in case I fell for some unknown reason. I took my med as the others gathered the stuff but they wouldn't let me help no matter how much I wanted to so I watched a little 'Naruto' on my phone while I waited helplessly.

My crutches quickly replaced the phone in my hands "C'mon baby bird, we got exploring to do!" Wrench pulled me up off the couch before I slipped my wrists through the handles adjusting my weight before he put my phone inside my waistband where I normally kept it if I didn't have pockets. When it came to the stairs, the masked hacker literally swept me off my feet leaving Marcus to collect my sticks off the floor where I'd dropped them in the panic, I kinda felt bad for him...he was always doing so much for me

When it came to the streets, I didn't want to take a single inch outside that doorframe, everyone would see me - I'd probably get robbed or filmed and that video would be everywhere, what if someone tried to hurt Angel? Or a drive by? This was the most vulnerable I'd ever been...and I wasn't 'me'. Maybe this wasn't such a good idea? I could still turn back, right?! I placed a crutch to turn back towards the safety of the hackerspace but I didn't quite make it

"Don't you wanna show people how cute you look?" Angel's happy face seemed to match Sitara's words, they held so much pride and hope...most importantly, they held genuine support whatever the outcome was. It was people like her that I needed more of in my life, that could've really helped 'Sydney Harris' when she needed...well I suppose she didn't 'need' it in the end but it would've sure as hell helped. I placed my crutch back in it's original position just inside the door frame...and swung

Before I knew it, I was stood outside in the sun with a smile spread across my face as our usual conversations resumed as they tried their best to distract me from my mode of transport. It really was a beautiful day outside, there were so many people out today - families with their kids playing frisbee in the park, dog walkers, everything just seemed so...high spirited? I didn't know how to word it but that was a vibrant atmosphere everywhere!

Once we settled on a spot on the grass just off to the side, the others set up like a little family...then came the hard part of working out how to sit down without either flashing the whole park or falling and getting more injured...both valid options. As I struggled to decide what was worse, Marcus slid his arms under mine slowly lowering me down to fit in with everyone else...this was home

The meal we had with us wasn't anything fancy, just fast food from numerous different places we passed. The air was filled with recurring laughter and drinks being choked on - it was one of those days you daydreamed about with your friends...the kind that never really happened

But this one did...

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 05, 2022 ⏰

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