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A few hours later 

I watched as the Dedsec crew went and sat around the fire not far from my truck that I was sat in, it wasn't even my truck, probably ray's. Ray was with them but I heard their conversation clearly enough to know that I was the start of the conversation. And clearly a hot topic if you get what I mean.

I layed back and was about to close my eyes when I heard Ray's voice fade in hearing range."So you kids wanna fill your heads?" A distant chorus of grunting and agreeing was heard then a robotic voice was recognised "So what do you know about Jay? You must of known her for a while now? We wanna know more about her? Not in a creepy stalker way." I smiled knowing what he would say because he said it every time someone asked "I'll tell you all I know once you work out the link between Bluejay and the Sydney Harris story, but she's never had a team. Always been a soloist, I'll tell you why once you work out the link" I closed my eyes and curled up, I stared at the stars trying not to think of the past and the link between the stories, I saw a few naked people running into the woods to do something I'd never done and was secretly afraid to do. Have sex.

To distract myself I started playing my guitar and singing Hero by Enrique Iglesias but I didn't realise how loud I was being, suddenly a small crowd formed infront of the vehicle cheering and singing alone, I saw Ray and his new found friends stroll over, I smirked and kept singing. Once i finished they stuck around for a few minutes "See? You don't need to be on drugs to have fun?" He raised his hands in surrender "look, just because your a drug hater and only ever filled your head once when you were in a bad place, doesn't mean it goes wrong every time" I jumped down "doesn't mean I have to risk going back to the past" I walked away swaying my hips a little "but that doesn't mean a girl can't have a little innocent fun now" I looked over my shoulder and ran a hand through my electric blue hair, I may have never been with anyone but I know how to get their attention.

I walked forward and hauled myself into a hammock then pulled out the newspaper that had announced my 'parents' release, I couldn't believe they'd actually release them back into an evolved world when they weren't evolved people, they abused children for fucks sake. Who still does that? I read the text again and again just checking it wasn't some kind of nightmare. Before I could read it again, Ray took the paper and threw it into the fire "Don't worry about them tonight, a few minutes ago, I saw a side of you I haven't seen for god knows how long. It was a side of you I wanna see again. C'mon Syd, hang out with Wrench for a bit, and I don't mean just because you have to, I mean really build a friendship or more with him, please? Then I'll stop asking you to fill your head" i pouted then nodded as he pulled me out of the hammock.

I saw 'wrench' sat on a bean bag leaning back, I took a seat next to him and smiled "I've been pretty awkward haven't I?" I sighed, I was never good at starting conversations. When I looked back up, he was leaning over the edge of the bean bag and giving me wide eyes (0 0) "it's nothing to do with you guys or what happened at Haum, I'm just not a people person, but I wanted to talk to you, you know what forget it" I looked down realising he was most likely on something.

 "Wrench" I looked up when he said his name "Jay" i looked up and smiled a little "nice goggles" i saw what he was trying to do "nice jacket" his eyes went to hearts then exclamation marks "We're cool" I could tell he didn't know what to say next "y'know you were pretty funny with that drone" now I'd gotten his attention "yea sorry about that. Your tunnel escape was genius though, shutting it off and using curtains to block any vision of you, oh and sorry for assuming you weren't a virgin, that was stupid" I was about to say something when someone had jumped on top of the truck waving a newspaper around in the air shouting things I didn't now want known " GUYS I FOUND THE LINK BETWEEN BLUEJAY AND SYDNEY HARRIS, THEYRE THE SAME PERSON" I stormed up and pushed him off the truck watching him fall to the ground "it's you isn't it? Your father left you with her when he went to Canada and they hurt you" I felt tears threatening to spill, I jumped down and punched him knocking him out and leaving him bleeding.

I saw Ray and the others come running towards us and a small crowd form "Syd I-" I cut him off "you never should of told them there was a link" I stormed off heading for my baseball bat and grey spray paint. I covered my calling card in grey paint so it looked like it was never there and grabbed my baseball bat and headed to the junkyard on my motorbike.

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