Weakened system

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A few weeks later

Overtime my hair had gone back to a darker natural state, today I got to go home. A wheelchair was required but only for a little longer. Even briefly seeing myself in a mirror told me that I was a mess, my face looked like something from the walking dead and the rest of me looked like something someone who'd just had major surgery.

My surgery was two weeks ago but I was still on the drugs which proved a struggle for Marcus as he wheeled me out to the car, he seemed impressed when I lifted myself out of the chair and into the car seat without saying anything about 'clouds' or 'whoa'.

During the car journey, he kept asking how I was feeling and 'seeing any ufos yet?' which I'd simply moan in reply, I wasn't exactly in my right mind. My head rested against the window tiredly "almost home" the game shop was in sight now and everyone was outside.

As soon as the car pulled up, my door was flung open almost hitting sitara "Angel!" Wrench picked me up bridal style as Marcus and ray were trying to malfunction the wheelchair but by the time they did, we were out of the shop and down the stairs "you smell good"

I shoved my face in the crook of his neck, a glance at his face showed his eyes as two hearts where his eyes were. One of my hands clutched at my hood to hide my mundane dark hair and the other gripped Wrench's other shoulder like it was the last day on earth.

"I'm sorry for the next few days" my words were barely audible to me but somehow he heard it and put his chin on my head "I can take it angel" he gently placed me on the bed examining my drugged face "ok, now I'm seeing ufos" a smile appeared on his face as the mask came off but my hands were still clutching the sides of my hood "what you hiding, blue?"

His palms cupped my cheeks "the 'blue' part" the corner of my lips tilted up into a idiotic cheeky smile, he prised the fabric from my fingers and pushed it back as he lifted my head gently then nuzzled my nose "what's so bad about being a brunette?" I shook my head "it's boring, it's not...me" as my head lowered, his fingers tilted it back up meeting my lips with his sweet soft ones.

"Deranged suits you" I tried to hit him playfully but it ended up more as a gentle tap with my fingers "just you wait til I get off these drugs, there will be hell to pay" one of his hands slipped down my leg and toyed with my knee-high stocking "for you? Or for me?" It seemed I was in good hands, had wrench handled druggies before?

"You" his fingers tickled my cheek "you're a bad liar, blue" a knock at the door sounded "don't move" I slowly lifted myself up into sitting up right with one leg tucked under me and the one with the knee trauma stretched out as Sitara came to the door "you have to share her y'know, we all love her"

I raised my hands guiltily "I feel like an adopted puppy right now" my words seemed to flow out of my mouth as my hood came up, I couldn't stop them at the speed they left my lips, that's the price of being drugged I guess? I climbed onto his back as he crouched down to give me a piggyback "you are - by us"

my arms link around the front of his neck as he held my legs up as he carried me through the door and down the stairs. He gently laid back on the sofa with me underneath him, but no matter what, no one would see my hair except wrench, Marcus hadn't even seen it in the hospital. They all stared at me drearily as if I was some fallen angel who'd just braced their presence with a holy glow.

Wrench just stared into my eyes with his legs swinging like a little kid watching his favourite tv show, josh just stared at me concerned "what's-what's wrong with her?" T-bone rubbed his shoulder a little harshly "nothing, she's enjoying the high that comes with painkillers" I tried to give him a smile but couldn't quite manage it due to my lack of energy.

Sitara looked at Marcus "so...what exactly happened?" He shrugged "pinky pie says she crossed the road then a car came out of nowhere and hit her across the street. Could've been worse" a chuckled slipped from my lips, I knew it could've been worse and that I was lucky but I didn't feel it.

Wrench laid his body on top of mine gently "how ya feelin' kid?" I shrugged slightly "body in blender after effect" Ray nodded like he knew what I meant but as far as I knew, he'd never been in a blender or a car accident, so how could he?

I was starting to feel like I could face the world with wrench stood by my side. Even if this feeling didn't last which would be a very hard time from then on, I still wanted to have a short and quick recovery so I could get back in the field and be the bad bitch I always used to be...the one wrench fell for.

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