Good Intentions, Bad Intentions

Start from the beginning

"These Council broadcasts are always so stiff..."

As the two androids examined the area, they then come across a large abandoned apartment complex, where they found multiple buildings crumbling, rubble covering the ground and a small playground right in the center of it.
2B then stops, stretching her arms and legs.

"Let's rest here for a minute, we've been walking for quite some time and I don't want our circuits to fry."


9S replies as he then sits on the old swing, kicking his feet as he sadly

This playground...I wonder why the humans made it...

"Hey Nines, this is so much fun, right?"

9S gasped as he quickly got up from the swing, looking around the playground as he desperately searched for the owner of the voice. 2B stares at him, confused and concerned.

"9S? What's wrong? Is there any enemies nearby?"

Pod 042 then scans the area, floating around as he shakes his robotic head.

"Negative, there are no signs of any machine life forms."

"Didn't you hear it?!"

"Hear what?"

"That voice! It just said my name! Is someone there?! Hello?!"

2B then holds his shoulder, gently shaking him out of his trance.

"9S, there's no one here, please stop. Wait, over there...that's...a machine! Come on 9S! Let's follow him!"

2B ordered as she takes out her sword and chases after the robot with the cloak, leaving 9S behind.
9S shakes his head as he then quickly follows behind her, the two chasing after the robot who hopped away, panicking as it tried to escape
They lost track of the robot but they did find something even worse...androids.

Dead bodies of androids.

9S and 2B stare at them, puzzled.

"Androids...what are they all doing here?"

The two then go through a dark tunnel, only to find themselves in a large arena, surrounded by many machines who were engaging in...human-like activities. 2B stares at them, confused.

"What IS this...?"

The machines...looked like they were trying to have a child.
Just watching them do this made 9S sick.

"Don't listen to them, 2B...they don't have any feelings, they're just imitating human speech...let's take them out."

And so, they did.


"(Y/n)! We have to get out of here! They're coming!"

"I know!"

"I've hacked into the security system and locked all the doors...but it's not going to hold them any longer, we need to leave, now!"

"I know!"

"I don't want to go to jail...I DON'T WANT TO GO TO JAIL, MAN!"


(Y/n) screamed as she quickly typed into the terminal, praying that she and her group of friends will make off with enough cash to get them through the next few months.

Who knew that security was going to be super tight this time?

(Y/n) managed to get only $10,000,
for she had to rush to get out of there before the police came and arrest everyone.

My Best Friend Nines [9S x Reader Fanfic]Where stories live. Discover now