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As I got closer to the top the flowers seemed to get bigger. I got to the top and started grabbing flowers by the handful.

"Alright so 20 for the ship, and I have 1, 2, 3....." I started counting.

I grabbed two more and started getting the ones for us.

I climbed back down but slipped on a branch and fell. I had the flowers in a tight grip as I hung upside down.

"Ugh great. Help!!"

I screamed hoping someone would climb up.

I heard leaves shaking and saw Henry climbing up.

"Allie are you ok?"

"No, slipped and got stuck. Thankfully this other branch caught me."

"Ok ok, don't freak. I'll get you out, just hold on to that branch right here."

He pointed to a branch and I grabbed onto it making sure the flowers didn't fall in the process.

Henry got up to wear my foot was stuck and took out a pocket knife. he started cutting through the branch when I felt my foot give way. I gripped the branch tighter and swung from the limb.

"Henry, help!"

My hand slipped and I fell to the ground. But before I could I felt someone catch me and I was in Hook's arms.

"Holy crap, thanks."

"No worries, lass."

He put me down and I gave Neil the flowers.


Henry finally climbed down and joined us.

"Allie these are perfect."

"Wait, I just realized.....ugh I'm an idiot I grabbed some for all of us, only we can use it," I said gesturing to me, Marissa, and Henry.

"Oh, hey no big.  We have extra for the ship now."

I shrugged.

"Alright gives us a flower."

Neil gave each of us a flower and they opened up.  We reached inside and sprinkled some on our heads.  Our feet left the ground and we started to fly a little to get our bearings. 

"Alright we'll take Hook first since he knows where the ship is."

Me and Henry slipped our hands under Hook's arms and lifted him up. 

We flew off and Hook told us where to go.

"Straight ahead, the Jolly Roger is next to those rocks."

"Got it."

We flew to the ship and dropped him on the deck.

"We'll be back with the others."


We had finally gotten everyone to the ship.  Our dust had worn out when we finished and we collapsed to the deck.

"Ow, that's gonna hurt in the morning," I said cracking my neck.

"Yea," Marissa agreed.

"Ugh we need more dust!"


"To get the ship covered."

"Ugh," Marissa and Henry complained in unison.

"Guys come on, we gotta get off this island.  If Pan...."

"If Pan what, love?"

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