Pan Turns

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Marissa's POV

"So when do we finally save Henry?"

As Allie left we still explained the plan to the others so we could get Henry and ourselves off this stupid island.

"We have to wait till Allie comes back, I don't know the whole plan."

Emma was about to comment when we heard a blood curdling scream.

"What the hell," Emma said gasping.

I gasped, "Allie!? ALLIE!? WHERE ARE YOU!? Pan must've gotten her."

"The damn bitch," Hook cursed.

"I need to go look for her, she might be in trouble!"

"No lass, you are gonna stay put. I will go look for her along with Emma," Hook ordered.


"I hate to say this, but Hook is right," Emma said, "if Pan gets you too, how are we gonna save all three of you? Regina, Mary Margret, and Charming are gonna get Henry. You stay here with Tink and Gold."

"I can trust Tink but Gold I don't know," I said.

"Either way stay here," Emma said getting a head start.

"Don't worry lass, we'll find her," Hook assured.

I felt like screaming. They left me here with someone I can trust and someone who can just go die in hell for attempting to kill Henry.

"Don't worry sweetie, they'll be ok," Tink said.

"It's not them I'm really worried about."

She put her hand on my shoulder and led me toward a log in front of the fire. As I sat down I gave Gold a murderous look.

"I know you don't like or trust me, but trust me when I tell you this. You and your friends can do whatever they can to free the boy but they will never get him without my help."

"I don't care. As long as he's free and safe from you, that's all I care about and you can be sure as shit you will be kept away from him," I hissed.

"This girl's got guts, I like her," Tink complimented.

"Does anyone have a knife or some kind of weapon? I need to destroy something."

Tink handed me a dagger and I walked up to the closest tree and swung hard enough that the blade cut right through and the tree fell over. I threw the dagger into a tree above Gold's head, retrieved it and threw it repeatedly.

Oh god, please let Allie be ok, I prayed. Hopefully Pan is dumb enough to get Allie pissed and she'll kill him in her rage, I laughed at that thought.

If only I could leave and help Hook get Allie I would feel better. I also wouldn't have to stay with a fairy and the Dark One.

Please just get her here safely so we can finally leave this hell hole.


I woke up to still find a bag over my head. I struggled against my restrains and the bag was lifted off my head.

"Ugh, let me go!"

"First tell us where you've really been today," Pan ordered.

"I don't have to tell you anything," I snapped.

He walked up to me and slapped my face.  My hair swung into my face and the slap started to sting.  I felt hot tears stream down my cheeks.  I flipped my hair out of my and glared at Pan.

I choked down a sob, "I will never tell you anything.  you can do whatever you want to me but I'll never admit anything to you."

"Fine then you can rot out here in the rain," Pan sneered.

"What rain?"

I so regret saying that.  As soon as I asked the sky opened up and it was total down fall.  My hair was plastered to my face and to make things worse, I was sinking in the mud. 

I didn't know what to do except sit there.  What happened to the guy I once trusted?


Oh great Allie's trapped, Marissa is stuck with the Dark One, and Hook and Emma are trying to find Allie.  Will they find her or will Allie have to fend for herself against Pan?

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