Surprise Guest

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A man stepped out of the bushes, with a flick of his hand, Hook's sword fell away from him and Regina's flame went out.

"Weapons down, dearies," the guy said.

"Oh god, it's Gold," I said.

"Gold," Regina and Marissa said simultaneously.

"The crocodile," Hook asked.

"Crocodile, Dark One, Rumpelstiltskin, Beast, Mr. Gold, same thing, but yes," he said smugly.

One thing I always hated was that he talked with his hands. But that aside, Mr. Gold had just appeared out of no where when we just happen to have vital information on Pan.

"Ok so Gold, you might wanna hear this news on Pan," I said trying to change the subject.

"And who are you?"

"Uh I-"

"She's a friend, leave her alone," Hook said stepping in front of me.

"If I didn't know better, Captain, I'd say you had feelings for these two spies from Pan," Gold assumed.

"We aren't spies and you have know right accusing him," I cried.

"Whatever, I don't care, what have you heard?"

"Well, we were on our way back to camp until you showed up," I snapped.

He rolled his eyes and walked on.

"Jeez, he's more of a jerk than I realized," I complained.

"How did you know he was a bitch," Regina asked.

"There is a show called Once Upon a Time and you guys are all on it," I admitted.

"In guessing that's where you got your crush on Hook," Regina asked.

I smiled and blushed, "ha ha, yea," I said with a straight face.

We got back to camp and luckily everyone was there, that way we didn't have to repeat ourselves if someone missed out. But as soon as Gold stepped in everyone freaked out.

"So," I said loudly, "Henry told us that Pan does have a weakness, and its that he misses his son."

"But he's like 18."

Everyone looked around confused except for Gold who hung his head.

"Gold? You ok," Emma asked.

He stayed silent and tapped his knee.

"Gold, is Pan's son," I said.

"WHAT," everyone screamed.

"Yes, it's true. Pan is my father but he betrayed me when I was a young lad," Gold explained.

"Why have you never told us," Snow gasped.

"Because I was going to find the boy and destroy him."

"Excuse me," Emma said raising her eye brows.

"I'm sorry but there was a prophecy that Henry would be my undoing, that's why I went off on my own."

"Gold, I promise you, when we get back to Storybrook I will be sure to make your life a living hell," Regina threatened.

"You can do that when and if you get back, but right now Henry is our main focus," I said trying to keep everyone on track.

Regina nodded and sat down again. I could sense the tension in everyone especially Regina and Emma. They all had their hearts set on getting revenge against Gold. I rubbed my temples and sat down.

"You ok Allie," Marissa asked.

"Right now I feel like we are the only mature ones here."

"Allie's got a point," Snow added, "we are acting like children right now, we have too much to deal with right now, freeing Henry, seeing if Neil's alive, and Charming's dream shade."

"How did you know about that," Charming asked getting off his seat.

"You're my husband, and don't think I didn't notice you and Hook being all chummy a couple times."

"Busted, mate," Hook chuckled.

"Anyway, how do we get Henry and ourselves out of here safely?"

"The Shadow," I gasped.

"The Shadow what," Gold asked.

"Spoiler alert, Neil's alive and we need him, Emma, and Hook to get the Shadow from the, uh, crap, I forget. Its some sorta cave."

"Dark Hollow," Hook said.

"That's it," I said.

We talked for a while discussing the plan in order to save Henry and get out of here alive, only to be interrupted by Pan calling for me, again.

"Oh god, ok Marissa I'll be right back just keep talking about the plan an fill me in later," I said walking to find Pan.


I finally found Pan in a clearing but when I got there, something just didn't sit right in my stomach.

"Hey everything ok," I said.

"Where were you girls?"

"Oh, um, we found a little, I mean we were taking a walk to find some fruit."

"I don't believe you, FELIX!!"

Before I could even register what was happening a bag was pulled over me and I only had enough time to scream.

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