Chapter 6

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I woke up a few days later.
When I woke up, I saw Ben next to me.

"What...what happened?" I stuttered still in shock of what happened.

"An eighteen wheeler ran a red light and T-Boned you.
The biggest Your car rolled six or seven times into a minivan on the other side of the intersection. You were the only one who survived the accident." Ben said with a grim look on his face. "The doctors were surprised at how extremely lucky you were, they said if you were to have been about six inches back, you would've been dead." A few moments of silence later Kayla turned the corner and ran over to hug me.

"Jake! Are okay?" Her eyes looked tired. "You almost died!" She yelled at me.

"I know, I know" I said. She sat down next to Ben, holding his hand. "Does Danielle know?" I asked worried that she is at home crying.

"No, we didn't want to come here and maybe not have you wake up" Malary said leaning in the door way. Behind her was Jacob, Abby, and Victoria. I asked Kayla to call her and tell her what had happened. I had six broken ribs, my left arm was broken in four places, my right leg broken in three, and a cranial fracture, in short, I was messed up. My face had a huge scar running from my forehead, above my left eyebrow, running through my eye, over my nose, through my lips, and down my neck onto my chest. This was from metal, shot from the truck.

I spent my birthday in the hospital the next day, February 10th. I didn't see Danielle until the end of the month. I invited Danielle over for dinner, to meet my parents. My parents and Danielle were both excited, but I was scared. I knew my dad would like her, but my mom was one to judge. The night came, Danielle had driven her parents car here because my car was gone. I was standing on the front steps, with Nero when she drive up. She had on a strapless pink dress that went to just above her knees.

"Hey, are you ready?" I asked as she stepped up my front steps, kissing her.

"Are you ready?" She said, putting emphasis on the word 'you'. She petted Nero and we walked inside.

"Mom, Dad, this is Danielle" I said awkwardly. My mom came down the stairs slowly. Looking Danielle up and down multiple times. As she reached the bottom of the stairs, she hugged Danielle. We sat down for dinner. We had pork tenderloin with salad.

"So Danielle, how long have you and Jake been dating?" My dad said after setting down his glass of water.

"About four or five months now" She said looking at me. That was the only question that was asked about the two of us as a couple. The rest were about her, her family, her life, and things like that.

I walked her out to her dad's car and when she got in I leaned in the window.

"I think they like you." I said kissing her

"Your dad is very quick and to the point." She said "but your mom was very thoughtful, asking more deep questions."

"She was trying to see a deeper, Danielle." I said comforting her.

"So when do you get to meet my parents?" She said with a slight grin.

"As soon as you'd like" I said after a moments thought. She backed up and drive off, and walked back towards my porch. As I walked back inside, my mom came up to me, hugged me and whispered

"She's perfect"

After that I went to bed. I would be going back to school in two days. I fell asleep quickly, thinking of her as I always do.

The next day was uneventful, other than beating Grand Theft Auto for the sixth time. When I woke up on Monday, my parents sat on the couch with huge smiles on their faces.

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