Chapter 5

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I woke up late the next morning, sitting up slowly and groggily. I heard Danielle in the next room. The bathroom tiles were extremely cold, like walking on ice. After I took my shower, Danielle knocked on the door as I finished getting dressed.

"Jake?" She asked shortly after knocking

"Yes?" I said opening the door and walking out. I had on a pair of black jeans and a gray shirt.

"Do you want to go out into town and do something?" She asked politely.

"Sure" I said grabbing my keys and my bag. We got ready, I wore my previous outfit and a blue zip up jacket. She wore gray jeans and a white blouse. We got into my car, and we drove into downtown. I pulled up to an ihop and we had brunch. For the rest of the day we went to a musical, shopping at the mall, and other tourist like things. We decided to drive to her house. I pulled up in front of her house at the curb, there was a car I didn't know in the driveway.

"My parents are home, thank you for this weekend." She said looking at me with her big eyes.

"No, thank you" I said leaning in to her for a kiss. We held a kiss for what seemed like an eternity, I wish it would never end. When it did, I wanted it back. "I love you" I said as she got out of the car.

"I love you too, now go before they see you!" She said flicking her hands telling me to go. I drove home thinking about everything that had happened this weekend. I was so thankful for it all. I pulled in to my driveway and walked inside. Everyone was gone, except for my dog, Nero. He was a large German Shepherd with bright blue eyes, the bluest eyes I have ever seen.

"Who's a good boy? Who's a good boy?" I said in a stereotypical dog owner voice. I tossed a treat to him and walked to my room upstairs. I lied down in bed and Nero jumped up next to me and lied next to me, as Danielle would have done. We both fell asleep, keeping each other warm. Nero woke me up a few hours later by licking my face, I got up and walked outside with him. I stepped out on my front porch and sat in a rocking chair watching the street at the end of my court. It was late at night. I could see car headlights passing by. Nero lied down next to the chair with his red porcupine chew toy, while I sipped on a can of Mountain Dew. I didn't know where my parents were, so I made dinner for Nero and I. Eggs and Bacon, his favorite treat I give him it when my mom and dad aren't home. I went to bed sort of early so I would have enough time to get up. The morning was slow. By the time I got to school, with my bus being late as always, first bell was almost over. In Teen Living we were sewing and such. The next few month were uneventful. Ben called me up on February fourth, six days before I turned eighteen.

"Hey Jake" Ben's signature raspy voice came over the phone

"What's up Ginger?" I said jokingly.

"How about tomorrow we go out with the girls?" He proposed. "There is going to be a play at the beach"

"Sounds good" I said, excited for it. We hung up and I called Danielle, and she said she would love to go. I also called Malary, and asked if she and Jacob would want to go, she said yes. Friday went by fast, and as I ran in the door from school, Nero chased me upstairs. I got dressed for tonight, and told my mom where I was going - for real this time. I left for Danielle's house.

The play was amazing, we laughed for hours. We had dinner at a seaside bar. Since we had brought two cars, I drove Danielle home by myself. After I dropped her off, Ben was right behind me. The last thing I remembered was looking left, seeing two bright lights and then it all went black.

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