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The result of you and Annie staying up all night was that you woke up late.

As you roll over to check the time, you think you are in your own bed. You aren't.

You let out a little scream as you roll off Annie's couch and hit the floor.

Annie peaks her head over the edge of the couch.

"Ow." You say. Annie giggles.

You stand up. "Yes ha ha, very funny. Make fun of the injured girl." You say, smiling.

Annie gets off the couch. "Let's go get breakfast shall we?" She asks you.

You glance over at her alarm clock. It reads 12:06 pm.

"Or rather lunch." You say. As the two of you walk down to the mess hall, you tie your hair back into a ponytail.

The new base you're on is rather quiet. You're used to stormtroopers running around or Ben stomping through the halls. Usually, the only reason people aren't running around is because there's a meeting.

"What's going on?" You whisper to Annie.

"I'm not sure." She replies.

The two of you are now in front of the mess hall. Faintly, you hear someone's booming voice inside.

Since there's no windows, you reach into a random stormtroopers mind to see what's happening.

"-the Jedi will fall! By tomorrow Kylo Ren will have succeeded in his mission! Long live the First Order!" Snoke is yelling. You keep your head forward, your breathing becoming labored.

You quickly pull out of the stormtroopers mind and connect eyes with Annie.

"Something's happening. Snoke is making a speech. Kylo is leaving. The Jedi are going to die. Rey is going to die." You can barely speak.

"Woah, slow down Astrid." Annie says. You lean over, trying not to vomit.

Annie rubs circles on your back. "Come on Astrid. They're all leaving. Let's go back to my room." Annie tries to guide you back but you resist.

"N-no. I'm going to...the docking bay." You huff out.

"Astrid I don't think-" Annie starts to say but is cut off by you running down the hallway.

Behind you, you hear the heavy footsteps of stormtroopers. You assume their all going to see Ben off.

As you skid into the docking bay, you catch sight of Kylo's ship. It looks less dented and more pristine than the last time you saw it.

You sneak onboard the ship and sit down in the pilots seat. You're going to wait Ben out.

After what seems like an hour, you hear someone stomp onboard.

You shrink down in the seat, trying to remain unseen.

The hatch to the ship closes and someone grumbles underneath their breath.

"That damn girl is going to be the death of me. Why can't she just follow orders and-"

You feel the seat spin around and the person stops talking. You connect eyes with Ben.

"Hi." You wave at him meekly.

"Astrid? What're did you know?"

"Know what?" You ask.

Ben sighs. "We're going on a mission. To find Skywalker and Rey. To execute them."

"What?" You sit up straighter. "And you willingly volunteered me for this mission? Knowing how I feel!"

"If it was my decision, you'd be staying here. This is a dangerous mission." Ben whispers. He drops in the seat next to you and slides off two backpacks. He hands one to you.

"Snoke made me. Here, I packed you clothes."

"Ben, you can defy Snoke! You're much stronger than him! Aren't you done being controlled?"

"I-I can't." Ben pleads with you. "Snoke is my Master. He rescued me from the Jedi, from Luke. He didn't try to kill me like that old Skywalker! He respected me!"

"Luke would never try to kill you!" You say.

"How can you be so sure?"

"Because it's Luke! All he wants is peace a-and happiness! He wants balance!" You yell.

"Luke was my Uncle. My parents, Han and Leia, sent me away when I was young. They didn't want me to witness the fighting. They wanted me to become a great Jedi. When I met Luke, he instantly saw the darkness in me. He wanted to train it out of me, but nothing worked. Eventually, he came into my quarters to kill me. I retaliated and destroyed his temple. In the end, he rebuilt his temple. I've always known where it is, but I've been too scared to try and hurt him again. Because of my ignorance, the Jedi have built up their ranks. After I took you, I burned it. Luke and Rey went off to the Resistance. When I took you the second time, Luke could not deal with the grief and has been hiding out. I have no idea where he is, but it seems as if Rey has. If you could track Rey, I would have everything I need to finish what my grandfather started. I could end the Jedi. All I need is you Astrid." Ben looks at you after he finishes his backstory.

You're silent.

"I...cannot do that Ben. She is my sister. I could not deceive her." You finally whisper.

Ben force pushes you out of the pilots seat.

He sits down and angrily takes the plane off.

"You'll see Astrid. The dark side is the right side." He says.

You can feel the anger radiating off of him.

You turn to walk to the the back of the ship when Ben calls out to you.

"Before you go and throw your pity party for me, Snoke instructed me to give you something." Ben growls.

He opens up his backpack and throws you a metal rod.

You catch it with ease.

Immediately, you know what it is.

"It's not mine, I didn't build it." You say.

"That blue saber of yours doesn't belong to you either but you use it." Ben says.

You sigh and press the button in the middle of the saber.

Instantly, two glowing red sabers pop out of each end.

You gasp. "It's double bladed?"

Ben nods. "Snoke said it's for when you turn. It's inevitable."

Ben focuses back on the controls and you stand there shocked.

Snoke gave me a saber.

You run to the back of the ship and collapse onto the couch.

In your hands, the saber feels right but you know it's not. It radiates evil energy.

You hang your head in your hands.

"I'm so sorry Rey."

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ you guys have three sabers! Haha. The red saber looks like the one Darth Maul has. And I absolutely love double sabers! Anyways, shoutout to Asheryssss loving my book. You're the real MVP girl💋💋🤧

word count: 1111

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