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You recover quickly from Hux's punishment. The only scars left behind are the whip mark ones on your back and the x's carved on the inside of your wrist. Neither are very noticeable due to how well the First Order doctors were.

To add to the pain of that night, Ben has not, will not talk to you.

He ignores you when the two of you are near each other. He barely speaks in training, if only to belittle you.

Because of this, you've taken to training by yourself or with Annie and Matthew. They have both progressed quickly in a short amount of time and you never see one without the other.

"Annie!" You call out, swinging your training stick at her.

Annie's head snaps up, just barely fast enough to dodge your hit.

"Quit making sure Matthew is ok. He's fine." You say.

"Sorry, sorry." Annie yelps as you hit your stick against hers. "I'm just so used to taking care of him."

"I know what you mean." You say

Annie cocks her head. "But you've never-" She quickly cuts off.

"What's wrong?" You ask, lowering your stick.

"Do you feel that?" Annie asks. You stay silent for a minute. You do feel it. It's a subtle shaking.

"What's going on?" You ask, as the shaking increases.

"I don't know." Annie drops her stick and sprints to the door. It opens at her touch and outside is absolute chaos. People are running around and screaming.

Annie grabs a stormtrooper.

"What's going on?" She yells at him.

"Starkiller base is breaking! The resistance had attacked! They are looking for Kylo Rens apprentice. Kylo himself is outside fighting two Jedi!" The stormtrooper breaks free and runs down the hallway.

You step out the door.

"Astrid where are you going?" Annie asks.

"I'm going to help Kylo. He can't take two Jedi by himself."

"Astrid you're going to die."

"Only if I let myself." You lean down and hug Annie. She hugs you back. "I'll be back. I promise." You whisper in her ear. Annie nods and let's you go.

"Get on Kylos ship and fly it somewhere. Fast." You say, turning to sprint down the hallway.

You follow the steady stream of people rushing to the loading bay. As TIE fighters and cargo ships take off, you run to the edge of the loading bay and slide down.

Your feet hit soft snow and your running again. Trees surround you, blocking the dying bits of sunlight. You often forget that Starkiller is built inside a planet.

The closer you get to the middle of the forest you're in, the more insistent a pull inside of you becomes. You realize it's your connection to Ben. You run faster, breathing heavily.

In the distance, something blue and red are clashing. You skid to a stop on a ridge above the scene. Rey and Ben are locked in battle, their lightsabers twirling and spitting sparks.

"Ben!" You yell. Ben stops and looks up at you, shock in his eyes. Rey swings her lightsaber down at him and you thrust out your hand. The saber bounces off something, as if it's hit a shield.

"Astrid!" Rey looks up and catches sight of you. You almost begin to cry. She looks the same but different. There's more power and knowledge in her eyes. She holds a lightsaber the same way your hold yours, as if it's an extension of your body.

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