A Faithful Encounter

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Everything is going to happen after Akame defeats Esdeath....

Akame's POV

'I'm slowly drowning in this darkness'
I try reaching out to the light that seems to be getting farther away. 'Where am I?' 'Will I escape this'

'I was too weak to rescue them...'
'I'm sorry'

I open my eyes and feel the warm rays of the sun on me. I sit up and scan my surrounding and realize that I'm in a forest. Standing up I see that Murasame is right next to me, I tuck it back in my holder.

I walk aimlessly not knowing where in the world I am. A headache ensues me and it doesn't stop pounding, and out of no where I hear someone.

"Come on Natsu, stop messing around, we are gonna be late." Some one says quite distressed. "I know, but I'm really hungry, Lucy." Someone says which I guess is the person named Natsu.

They are walking towards me and the halt seeing me there. "Are you lost, miss?" A blonde girl asks me. "You don't look like you're from around here." Says a flying blue cat. I look confused at them not knowing what to say.

"I- I just seem to have woken up here and I don't remember how I ended up here." I muster up to say to them. "I'm Lucy, and these are my friends Natsu and Happy." Lucy says smiling. "Yo" Both say in unison.

I'm about to say something to them when the headache comes back and my head pounds so much more. "Are you okay?" Lucy asks concerned. "She look like she is about to pass out." Happy says. Before I know it my eyes give out on me and I black out.

I open my eyes once more and I find myself in a bed. "It seems you are awake." I hear a voice and look down, a tiny old man is looks at me with concern in his eyes. "I'm sorry, where in the world am I?" You ask.

"You are in Fairy Tail right now, child." The old man says softly. "What's a Fairy Tail?" I ask dumbfounded. "This is my guild, where wizards come and stay at." He say. "How did I get here?" I ask again. "You brought here by Natsu and Lucy, you passed out and they didn't want to leave you there." He says looking at me.

"I'm sorry, but what country am I in?" You ask trying to piece everything together. "You are in Fiore, my child." He asks not bothered by your questions, he seems to have connected the dots of your questioning look, "you are not from here are you?" "No, I don't remember how I got here..." I say

"It's alright child, you don't have to explain yourself, you seem kind enough." He says giving me a warm smile. I look around and notice that Murasame is right next to me. "I wonder... may I join your guild?" You ask. He seems to not be suprising by my request and nods.

He escorts you out of your bed and leads me outside where i can see a rowdy bunch of people talking and drinking. "Hmph," The old man coughs and gathers the attention of the members of the guild, and everyone seems to quiet down.

"I want you guys to welcome our new Member" he says pointing at me. Everyone cheers and scream out a big 'Welcome to Fairy Tail'. "Come with me, you need to get a guild mark." The old man says. I follow him to a girl who is waitressing the bar. "Mira, our new recruit need her stamp." "Of course Master, where will you like it?" Mira asks sweetly.

I look and notice that they mean where I want their stamp, I look around and notice that many of the members seem to have the emblem somewhere around their body. "I'll like to have it on my right arm." Mira puts the stamp and it comes out black, "Welcome!" She says smiling at me .

After the commotion, I take a seat at the bar and notice that the people I encountered are walking towards me . "Hi, we haven't properly met." Says Lucy. I shake her hand and say, "Yes sorry, my name is Akame Metsujin." "Well it's nice to meet you Akame." She says shaking my hand.

"What magic do you have?" Natsu asks me. "Magic?" I ask confused. "Yeah, I'm a fire dragon slayer and Lucy is a celestial spirit Mage." Natsu say smiling at me. "I only have my sword." I barely whisper it out. "Oh, so you have the same magic as Erza?" He says smiling at me. "Erza?" I ask not knowing who that is.

"Someone call me?" A female with red hair and armor come heading towards me with a naked guy behind her. "Oh Erza, meet our new member Akame." Lucy says introducing us. "It is a pleasure meeting you." Erza says kindly smiling at me. "I'm Gray, it's also cool to meet you." He say waving at me.

"Oh, it's nice meeting you both as well, but what exactly do you do in a guild?" I ask. "What do you mean." Chirps out Happy. "Like what is the purpose if being in one?" I ask. "Have you never been in a guild before Akame?" Gray asks me. I shake my head.

"A guild as a place where everyone is considered family and we get job requests and go on mission to help out people in need." Erza says filling me in. I nod and ponder, 'job requests huh? Are they similar to my assassination requests?' I'm drawn out of my thoughts because Lucy is waving at my face.

"Did you say something?" I ask. She giggles and says, "I said, if you would like to join Team Natsu?" "What is that?" I ask. "Well it consists of Me, Natsu of course, Erza and Gray, we are a team that takes on jobs together." She says. "I don't want to be a bother." I say looking at the floor reminiscing of my old days.

"You won't be." Lucy says smiling kindly at me. "Alright I'll be in your team." I say. "Natsu! She said yes." Lucy says to Natsu and the rest. "Good, cause we already have a job request prepared." Erza says. "Come on Akame let's go." Lucy grabs my arm and we both head out with the team.

I'll leave it here cuz my eyes are hurting rn. Sweet dreams everybody.

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