"I should punish you for that" he grumbled . I snorted. "If ye can ca'ch me, ye may be able ta" I casually retorted. There was brief pause after my retort, a teasing smirk gracing my lips as we looked each other in the eye simultaneously with one of us having a major blush. "Real-really?" Fire Fist asked in a dazed and excited tone. I said nothing in response as I directed my attention back to the shivering boys in front us, Chip surprising me slightly as he suddenly wrapped his arms around my waist. I raised an eyebrow at him as he face stood eye to eye with my tits, my lips pursing slightly as he looked up at me with glimmering eyes.

"Miss! I have a favor to ask!"


"We need you to catch a man named Scorpion!" Dip exclaimed while pulling out a photo of his father. I blinked at him blankly before directing my eyes over to the overly tense Ace, his face grim as I tilted my head to him while placing my hands on Chip's head and shoulder. "Ask 'im. He's st'onger me" I lied while playing with the child's hair. "B'sides, didn' ye 'ear somethin' 'bout 'im beatin' B'ackbeard?" I smirked lightly when I felt him relax, the sound of my companions' footsteps reaching my ears as they slowly began to surround us.

"He defeated Blackbeard?!"

"No way, I don't believe it!!"

"T'en don'!" I laughed out while bringing Dip into Chip and I's everlasting hug. I snickered lightly when the elder boy tensed up a bit, his face red as he slowly wrapped his arms around my waist as well. Forcing myself not to giggle like a maniac, I glanced over towards a confused Adam as he stood by me with a small frown on his face. "Why are they hugging you?" He curiously asked. I shrugged. "Beats me. Don'o see me comp'ainin' t'ough" I stated in my natural voice. Adam snorted.

"That's because you like kids."

"Mi point 'xactly!"

"You're so kind, Tiny-chan~!"

"Where's Luffy?" I asked in mock curiosity while ignoring the swooning Sanji. I shared a knowing smirk with my pastel bestie as Nami said that he ran off somewhere, Adam clearing his throat to catch everyone's attention as I looked off into the distance. "...I think he'll be here soon" I heard my green eyed idiot stated. "Maybe even sooner t'en dat." I snickered lightly when when Usopp, Ace, and Chopper looked to where I was looking, Chopper easily stating out who was with our crazy captain.

"Ye better get 'eady ta fight, 'ot 'ead."


Giving the slightly confused cowboy a lopsided smirk, I glanced back over towards Luffy and let out an obnoxious laugh when he called out to his brother. "ACEEEEE!!! THIS GUY WANTS TO FIGHT YOUUUU!!!!" I flinched back at how loud my fellow seventeen was being, Scorpion being equally as loud as his kids hugged themselves even tighter to my body.


"Yeah! He's my big brother!!"


I completely forgot that Luffy was going to slingshot his way back over towards us, my hands clutching onto the back of the boys' shirts as I lifted all three of us into the air. A breath of relief let me as he ended up head butting his unsuspected first mate instead of me, Adam laughing his whorish laugh as he held onto his stomach. "That was great!!" He cried out breathlessly before pausing and glaring at me. "Stop calling my laugh whorish." Now it was my turn to laugh, my stomach cramping in pain as I gently lowered the boys and I back to the ground. Grinning widely when I made eye contact with my upset pet, his scowl soon turning into a matching grin as I moved my attention over towards the trembling old man.

"What's w'ong Sco'pion?"

"Noth-nothing! I'm just thinking of all the heroic tales about Fire Fist ends today!!"

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