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I am not scared at all.





Just surprised.

But that's besides the point.

I actually had a question for you guys that's been on my mind for a good ass week and a half.


I was wondering if you guys would like me to write an AU for One Piece and Naruto. It was just a thought.

Dead ass.

I was literally sitting in stupid ass math class when BAM, the thought of AU One Piece came to mind. Then half a week later, in the same damn math class, I thought -BAM, I should make a AU Naruto too!

Trust me, you do not understand the pain of being in a math class where the math teacher doesn't come in the class until we have at least a good twenty minutes left.

She's a bitch.

Die Ms. Menendez, die.



Here's how I thought the AU One Piece would be like.



Third Pov.

A certain raven headed male shook his head as he sat up and stretched. As he opened his eyes, he let them widen in shock as he saw that he wasn't on the Grand Line anymore.

As well as alive.

He looked around and saw people that he knew -both good and bad, friend and foe- around him as they laid in an empty field. His dark drown eyes zoomed in on another raven headed male and his crew.

"Luffy..." He muttered to himself as he got up and made his way over to the teen. As he made his way to his brother, other people started to wake up, groaning and hold certain parts of their bodies.

"Where are we...?"


Ace sighed as he scratched the back of his head and entered the high school. Today was his first day of school since the day he had transported into this unknown world with the others a few years back.

He had known that they wouldn't get back to their own world, so they had all came up with the plan to start make a living in this one. Once they knew they were settled down enough, they had decided that the teens should go to one of the public schools, certain amounts of them going on certain days and at certain times.

Today was Ace, Luffy, Kid, Law, and Zoro with Ace going first, bright eyed and bushy tail. He yawned as he entered the main office with a confused face.

"Yes? How may we help you?" An small old lady questioned him with a gentle smile. Ace smiled back as he fixed his flannel slightly. "Hi, I'm the new student. Ace Portgas" he informed, leaving out his middle initial on purpose. The old lady nodded as she typed away on the computer.

"Here you go dear, your homeroom is room 65, on the second floor" she informed as she handed him his schedule. "Thank you ma'am" Ace said politely before walking over to the staircase he saw when he had entered the school.

Ace whistled to a random tune as he slowly made his way to his homeroom, not caring if he's late.  He turned his head slightly as he saw a light skinned girl at her locker, looking for something. He stopped walking and looked at her curiously as she tried to put a weirdly shaped case in the small space.

"Fuckin' piece of shit of a damn school..." the girl cussed as she slammed her locker closed and locked it before walking away, ignoring Ace as she passed by him.

Ace smirked as he thought about what she was trying to stuff in her locker.

Maybe going to school won't be too bad..


So what'cha think?

Message or comment your thoughts below!!

Mwah my lovelies!

Love and Pancakes,


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