Chapter 2

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" so where is he?" the lady asks " oh who? you mean you're son, he is over there" I say then point at a boy that was 19 and holding a knife in his hand."what are doing " she says while the boy walks up to her and stabs her.Then he stabs himself." that was easy" i mummble looking at the house that the lady came from. " I can go look and see if I can find something good" i mummble and I walk to the house and fine an axe" cool I guess" i mummble then leave with the axe. 

2 weeks later 

I hear people fighting. "get up and help" i hear in m head " fine" i say back and get up to see what was going on, I see to men that were caught up in a mess with demons.I pick up my axe and throw it at one of the demons and it hits its head killing it. "bring it " i say while one of the demons picks up the axe "stealing huh?" i say standing still waiting for an attack. The demon throws the axe at me and i catch it " thanks, now im higher rank than you so back off" i say showing my horns and tail, my tail picking up its self and droping its self on the dirt making a thump sound " If i kill you im the higher rank, I bet I will win this fight " one of the demons say " okay bring it then" i say then i stop time thinking " there is about 12 of these demons " i say in my head then time moves again but I have my eyes still closed and i clap making the men who were caught have cloth over there eyes ( these men are Toby and masky, toby has his goggles off and masky has his masky off). " now the fight will start " i say stoping the time and killing them with my eyes glowing yellow while i do so.( i also forgot to say she is talking without the wires on her mouth but if she talks one day she can not talk the next 6 days, wow she can only talk once a week T-T) When im done killing them my eyes stop glowing and everything goes back to how it was. " you're welcome..." i say then yawn. " thank you " they both say as I pass out.

Dream :3

" you used too muck of my energy" 

" im sorry but when will I find a new master?" I ask

" soon but you are on you're own" 

" okay thank you"

End of dream <3

"I-I need t-to keep t-t-them safe...." i mummble as I wake up and see a boy with his arms under his head and he was asleep ( that is toby U-U) on a hospital bed I was on and the other boy was in a chair drawing. " h-hey" i mummble as the boy with the mask looks up " hey are you okay, you looked like you hit you're head pretty hard" he says " by the way my name is masky" he adds" im okay and my nickname is gray" i mummble so i do not wake the other boy up." the bot who is asleep is toby" masky says. " oh okay well im sorry for passing out on you guys" i mummble. " its fine after all you did save us " masky says " so how are you guys here, like are you happy here?" i mummble " yeah why did you ask?" masky asks " well i don't really know" i mummble and start to play with Tobys hair." there was a boy~ he lived by himself~" i sing " he had no body~ or at least no one else~ he tryed so hard to not fly~ but he knew one day he would fly~ so high~ fly~ oh fly~ oh fly so high~ there is no~ need to cry~ one day~ one day~ one day~ you will not longer stay~ everyone will let you~ but no one will forget~ I still can't live through the words that they said~ they said you were a threat~" i sing then stop as i notice that toby woke up " oh sorry for waking you up, you just looked like someone i knew that I made a song about" i mummble " its fine and  i r-really like you're singing" toby says then i look over to masky "what the fuck is he asleep, did i do that" i mummble "huh? h-he never goes t-to sleep l-like that" toby says confused." let not wake him up " i mummble " o-okay" toby mummbles back.

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