Chapter 1

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" Father don't do this to me, please" i cry as he leaves me in as insane asylum.There is nothing wrong with me, im not insane! why would he do this to me.....They soon put some stuff on me and I don't fight back as I do not know what is going on..." w-why..." i mummble as they throw me in a room.

2 months later

"what are you going to do with me" i ask while people take me out side and puting cloth over my mouth and eyes.I can smell a forest....." take off the cloth on his eyes" someone says, what do they me his? im a female...( when they take off the cloth off her eyes)I-I can see.... They put me up aganst a tree and put chains on me and the tree.... ( btw her hands are in the cloth that is on her body)

2 days later

I think they are leaving me here to die.... " get out while they are not here" I hear in my head and I push myself out of the chains as much as I can and I git out but I see those people coming to kill me because I could smell the bleach in a drink they were bringing to me. I ran a fast as I could. " get back here code 827!" I hear one of them yell as the cloth over my arms falls off so i trip and fall." get up now! we don't have that much time left!" i hear in my head. I git up and run again and bump into someone and it was a little girl ( btw 'code 827' had a over sized T-shirt on ) " go get help please, for me please go get help they are going to kill me!!" I yell as she runs away and I git something push into my back and it was a needle " Fight it!!" i hear in my head as i fight the fact that that was going to knock me out." I'v got you now" someone says pulling my hair " No! someone help me!" I yell and cry" stop crying and fight back " i hear in my head " I always obey owner's sayings" I say forcing myself to git up and fight. " don't you dare" he says pulling out a gun. " you would not dare " i say while i hear runing to my side and i see the girl and a man. I start to not be able to stand." n-no I have got t-to get up a-and fight" i mummble as the man with the gun shoots me in my leg " n-no!" i yell " I wanna be the monster! i-im not the monster....y-you can't k-kill me!" I yell making his ears hurt and he drops his gun " I-I dare you....." I say " you d-dare me t-to do what" he says " I dare you to k-kill them a-all, I dare y-you 944" I say falling to the dirt and the little girl and the man try to help me " I dare y-you, Now!" I yell making him turn to look at the other's who just got here. " you guys, how could you lie to me..." he says picking up his gun and making the man who was helping me get up and he was about to punch him" don't I have got him u-under my c-control" I say in a deep voise then I was about to pass out when I hear gun shots and I look up to see the man with the gun had killed all of those people and he had then killed himself. " f-forget about m-me" i mummble geting up " but why, you are such a cool sissy" the little girl says " if that is what you wish" the man says walking away with the girl. " thank you " i mummble geting up and going to a river that was close by. " you did good but you should not give in to people like that" i hear in my head " fine" i say back.

1 hour later

I should change my form ( when she changed forms she was a female that looked like this)

I should change my form ( when she changed forms she was a female that looked like this)

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( but she had wires keeping her mouth shut and she had a hospital mask on) 

Much better than before.Now what do i do.I guess I will go hunting im hungry.I stop at a house and I hide my horns. I knock on the door and a woman awnsers it. " ma'am can you please come with me you're son has sent me to come and get you" I say " what has he done this time, oh lord" her says sad as we go to the forest and I sit while she does too.

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